Things didn't start well as my normal $5 parking lot wasn't open and I had to pay event pricing at a closer garage. Monday I wanted to pre-purchase my autograph tickets online but they closed that feature of the site before I had a chance. I had to pay admission today to buy autograph tickets for later this week. What a racket.
I worked my way staright to the ticket booth and the two women selling advanced tickets. You read right two. Because it was so early the line wasn't long but the process took about five minutes per customer. I'm just happy all my tickets are in my possession and I don't have to brave that line when crowds are bigger.
As I was waiting in line they announced the free signing of Mark Moseley. Mark who? Only the lone NFL kicker to win the MVP Award and former Washington Redskin, that's who. Did I mention I am a Skins fan? I had more than an hour before the gates opened at Camden Yards, what the hell.
Only one problem, I had nothing of Moseley and neither did any vendors. I had to move quick, the line was filling up and time was ticking. You would think vendors at the "National Convention" would have items of the signers, not the case. I found a guy with one item, not normally what I go for but I had to settle.
Mark Moseley January 10, 1983 Sporting News (with John Riggins and Joe Theismann)

It would be nice if Tristar and the National were correct in his accomplishments on their site, calling him the 1983 MVP, directly next to an inscribed signature as 1982 MVP. Oh well, it's not like they pay people to find those mistakes.
Mark could not have been nicer, even signing multiples for some kids even though they were obviously getting cards for their dad. All-in-all, my first foray into football autographs was good, only taking longer than I would have liked. I missed Orioles batting practice.
Stay tuned for more of yesterday's exploits.
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