Anyone not on this list is needed for my collection.
Aase, Don
Abreu, Winston
Adamson, Mike
Ainsworth, Kurt
Aldrich, Jay
Alexander, Manny
Alomar, Roberto
Amaral, Rich
Anderson, Brady
Anderson, Mike (71-79)
Andino, Robert
Aquino, Greg
Ardoin, Danny
Arnold, Tony
Arrieta, Jake
Atkins, Garrett
Aubrey, Michael
Ayala, Benny
Baez, Danys
Bailor, Bob
Baines, Harold
Baker, Frank (70-74)
Bako, Paul
Baldwin, James
Bale, John
Ballard, Jeff
Barberie, Bret
Barker, Ray
Barnowski, Ed
Bass, Brian
Bass, Kevin
Bauer, Rick
Bautista, Denny
Bautista, Jose (04-07)
Bautista, Jose (88-97)
Baylor, Don
Beamon, Charlie
Bechler, Steve
Becker, Rich
Beene, Fred
Bell, Eric
Bell, Josh
Bell, Rob
Belle, Albert
Beniquez, Juan
Benitez, Armando
Benson, Kris
Bergesen, Brad
Berken, Jason
Berroa, Geronimo
Berry, Neil
Besana, Fred
Bierd, Randor
Bigbie, Larry
Birkins, Kurt
Birrer, Babe
Blair, Paul
Blake, Casey
Blyzka, Mike
Boddicker, Mike
Bolton, Tom
Bones, Ricky
Bonilla, Bobby
Bonilla, Juan
Bonner, Bob
Boone, Danny
Bordi, Rich
Bordick, Mike
Borkowski, Dave
Boskie, Shawn
Boswell, Dave
Boyd, Bob
Bradford, Chad
Bradley, Phil
Brandt, Jackie
Brea, Lesli
Breeding, Marv
Briles, Nelson
Britton, Chris
Brown, Hal
Brown, Jarvis
Brown, Larry
Buford, Damon
Buford, Don
Bukvich, Ryan
Bumbry, Al
Bunker, Wally
Burke, Leo
Burleson, Rick
Burnside, Pete
Burres, Brian
Buzhardt, John
Bynum, Freddie
Byrdak, Tim
Byrnes, Eric
Cabrera, Daniel
Cabrera, Fernando
Calzado, Napoleon
Carey, Paul
Carrasco, Hector
Casanova, Raul
Casimiro, Carlos
Castillo, Alberto (1995-2007 Catcher)
Castillo, Alberto (2008 Orioles P)
Causey, Wayne
Ceccarelli, Art
Chavez, Raul
Chen, Bruce
Cherry, Rocky
Chism, Tom
Cimoli, Gino
Cintron, Alex
Clark, Howie
Clark, Terry
Clements, Pat
Clyburn, Danny
Coan, Gil
Coffie, Ivanon
Coleman, Joe (1948-55)
Conine, Jeff
Connally, Fritz
Consuegra, Sandy
Coppinger, Rocky
Corbett, Doug
Corbin, Archie
Cordova, Marty
Corey, Mark (1979-81)
Cormier, Lance
Corsi, Jim
Criscione, Dave
Crowley, Terry
Cruz, Deivi
Cruz, Todd
Cuellar, Mike
Cummings, Midre
Cust, Jack
Dagres, Angelo
Dalrymple, Clay
Dauer, Rich
Davis, Butch
Davis, Glenn
Davis, Storm
Davis, Tommy
Davis, Tommy
DeCinces, Doug
Dejean, Mike
DeLeon, Luis
Delock, Ike
Dempsey, Rick
Deshields, Delino
DeSilva, John
Devarez, Cesar
Devereaux, Mike
Diering, Chuck
Dillard, Gordon
Dillman, Bill
Dimmel, Mike
Dixon, Ken
Dobson, Pat
Douglass, Sean
Doyne, Cory
Drabek, Doug
Drabowsky, Moe
Drago, Dick
Driskill, Travis
Dropo, Walt
DuBose, Eric
Dukes, Tom
Duncan, Dave
Duren, Ryne
Durham, Joe
Dwyer, Jim
Eaton, Adam
Eichhorn, Mark
Epstein, Mike
Essegian, Chuck
Estrada, Chuck
Etchebarren, Andy
Fahey, Brandon
Falkenborg, Brian
Farmer, Ed
Fasano, Sal
Fernandez, Chico (1968 Orioles)
Fernandez, Sid
Ferrarese, Don
Fetters, Mike
Finley, Steve
Fiore, Mike
Fiorentino, Jeff
Fisher, Eddie
Flanagan, Mike
Floyd, Bobby
Foiles, Hank
Ford, Dan
Ford, Dave
Fordyce, Brook
Fox, Jake
Francona, Tito
Fridley, Jim
Frohwirth, Todd
Fuller, Jim
Fussell, Chris
Gaines, Joe
Garcia, Jesse
Garcia, Karim
Garcia, Kiko
Gardner, Billy
Garland, Wayne
Gentile, Jim
Gerhart, Ken
Gibbons, Jay
Gil, Geronimo
Gilliford, Paul
Ginsberg, Joe
Gomez, Chris
Gomez, Leo
Gonzales, Rene
Gonzalez, Mike
Graham, Dan
Gray, Ted
Green, Lenny
Greene, Willie
Grich, Bob
Griffin, Mike
Grimsley, Ross (1971-82)
Groom, Buddy
Gross, Wayne
Gulliver, Glenn
Guthrie, Jeremy
Guzman, Juan
Habyan, John
Hairston, Jerry Jr
Hale, Bob
Hall, Dick
Hammonds, Jeffrey
Haney, Larry
Hansen, Ron
Harlow, Larry
Harnisch, Pete
Harris, Willie
Harrison, Bob
Harrison, Roric
Harshman, Jack
Hart, Mike (1984 Twins)
Hartzell, Paul
Hatton, Grady
Hawkins, LaTroy
Haynes, Jimmy
Held, Mel
Held, Woodie
Hendricks, Elrod
Hendrickson, Mark
Henn, Sean
Hentgen, Pat
Hernandez, David
Hernandez, Luis
Hernandez, Ramon (1999-2008 Catcher)
Herzog, Whitey
Hickey, Kevin
Hoeft, Billy
Hoey, James
Hoiles, Chris
Holdsworth, Fred
Holmes, Darren
Holton, Brian
Holtzman, Ken
Hood, Don
Horn, Sam
House, J.R.
Howard, Bruce
Hubbard, Trenidad
Huckaby, Ken
Hudler, Rex
Huffman, Phil
Hughes, Keith
Huismann, Mark
Hunter, Billy
Huppert, Dave
Huson, Jeff
Hutto, Jim
Hyde, Dick
Incaviglia, Pete
Jackson, Grant
Jackson, Ron (1975-84)
Jefferson, Stan
Johnson, Bob (1960-70)
Johnson, Connie
Johnson, Dave
Johnson, Dave Wayne
Johnson, Don (1950-58)
Johnson, Ernie
Johnson, Jason
Johnson, Jim (2006-08 Orioles)
Jones, Adam
Jones, Doug
Jones, Ricky
Julio, Jorge
Kamieniecki, Scott
Kell, George
Kelly, Pat (1967-81)
Kennedy, Bob
Kennedy, Terry
Key, Jimmy
Kingsale, Gene
Kinkade, Mike
Kittle, Ron
Klaus, Billy
Kline, Steven (1997-)
Klingenbeck, Scott
Knott, Jon
Knowles, Darold
Kohlmeier, Ryan
Komminsk, Brad
Krenchicki, Wayne
Kretlow, Lou
Krivda, Rick
Kryhoski, Dick
Kuzava, Bob
Lacy, Lee
Laker, Tim
Lambert, Chris
Landrith, Hobie
Landrum, Tito
Larsen, Don
Lee, Mark (1988-95)
Lefferts, Craig
Lehew, Jim
Lehman, Ken
Leicester, Jon
Lenhardt, Don
Leon, Jose
Leonhard, Dave
Leppert, Don (1955 Orioles)
Ligtenberg, Kerry
Linton, Doug
Liz, Radhames
Locke, Chuck
Loes, Billy
Loewen, Adam
Lopez, Luis (1993-2004)
Lopez, Rodrigo
Lowenstein, John
Luebber, Steve
Lunar, Fernando
Lynn, Fred
Maddox, Elliott
Maine, John
Majewski, Val
Manon, Julio
Manto, Jeff
Markakis, Nick
Marsh, Fred
Marshall, Jim
Martin, Morris "Morrie"
Martinez, Chito
Martinez, Dennis
Martinez, Tippy
Mata, Frank
Matchick, Tom
Matos, Luis
Matthews, Gary Jr
Maxwell, Charlie
May, Derrick
McCormick, Mike (1956-71)
McCrory, Bob
McDonald, Ben
McDonald, Darnell
McGregor, Scott
McGuire, Ryan
McKnight, Jeff
Mele, Sam
Melvin, Bob
Mercedes, Jose
Mercedes, Luis
Mercker, Kent
Meredith, Cla
Mesa, Jose
Mickolio, Kameron
Milacki, Bob
Milchin, Mike
Miller, Dyar
Miller, Jim
Miller, John (1962-67 Orioles)
Miller, Randy
Miller, Ray
Miller, Stu
Milligan, Randy
Mills, Alan
Millwood, Kevin
Minor, Ryan
Mirabella, Paul
Mitchell, John
Mitchell, Paul
Moeller, Chad
Moeller, Ron
Molina, Gabe
Molina, Gustavo
Molinaro, Bob
Montanez, Luis
Moore, Scott
Mora, Melvin
Morales, Jose
Morban, Jose
Morgan, Mike
Moriarty, Mike
Morogiello, Dan
Morris, John (1966-74)
Moss, Les
Mottola, Chad
Motton, Curt
Mouton, Lyle
Moyer, Jamie
Muser, Tony
Mussina, Mike
Myers, Jimmy
Nelson, Bob
Newhan, David
Nichols, Carl
Nicholson, Dave
Niedenfuer, Tom
Nivar, Ramon
Nolan, Joe
Noles, Dickie
Nordbrook, Tim
Northrup, Jim
Oates, Johnny
O'Dell, Billy
O'Donoghue, John (1963-71)
O'Donoghue, John (1993 Orioles)
Oliver, Bob
Olson, Garrett (2007-08 Orioles)
Olson, Gregg
O'Malley, Tom
Oquist, Mike
Orsino, John
Orsulak, Joe
Pacella, John
Pagan, Dave
Palmer, Jim
Papa, John
Pappas, Milt
Parent, Mark
Paronto, Chad
Parrish, John
Parrott, Mike
Patterson, Corey
Patton, Tom
Patton, Troy
Payton, Jay
Pearson, Albie
Pena, Orlando
Penn, Hayden
Pennington, Brad
Perez, Yorkis
Philley, Dave
Pickering, Calvin
Pie, Felix
Pilarcik, Al
Pillette, Duane
Polonia, Luis
Ponson, Sidney
Poole, Jim
Powell, Boog
Price, Joe
Pyburn, Jim
Quirk, Art
Quirk, Jamie
Raines, Tim "Rock"
Raines, Tim Jr
Rakers, Aaron
Rapp, Pat
Ray, Chris
Rayford, Floyd
Reboulet, Jeff
Redman, Tike
Reed, Keith
Reimold, Nolan
Rettenmund, Merv
Reynolds, Bob
Reynolds, Harold
Rhodes, Arthur
Richard, Chris
Richert, Pete
Riley, Matt
Rineer, Jeff
Ripken, Billy
Ripken, Cal Jr.
Rivera, Luis (2000 Braves/O's)
Rleal, Sendy
Roberts, Brian
Roberts, Robin
Roberts, Willis
Robinson, Brooks
Robinson, Frank
Robinson, Jeff (1987-1992 Tigers/Rangers)
Rodriguez, Eddy
Rodriguez, Guillermo
Rodriguez, Nerio
Roenicke, Gary
Rogers, Eddie
Rosario, Mel
Rowe, Ken
Roznovsky, Vic
Rudolph, Ken
Ryan, B.J.
Sabo, Chris
Sakata, Lenn
Salazar, Oscar
Santos, Omir
Sarfate, Dennis
Saverine, Bob
Scarsone, Steve
Schallock, Art
Scherrer, Bill
Schmidt, Dave (1981-92)
Schmitz, Johnny
Schneider, Jeff
Schu, Rick
Scott, Luke
Scott, Mickey
Segrist, Kal
Segui, David
Severinsen, Al
Sheets, Larry
Shepherd, Keith
Sherrill, George
Shields, Tommy
Shopay, Tom
Short, Bill
Shuey, Paul
Simon, Alfredo
Singleton, Chris
Singleton, Ken
Sisk, Doug
Sleater, Lou
Smith, Billy (1975-81)
Smith, Dwight
Smith, Hal W. (1955-64)
Smith, Lonnie
Smith, Mark (1994-2003)
Smith, Pete (1987-98 Pitcher)
Smith, Roy (1984-91)
Snell, Nate
Snyder, Brandon
Snyder, Russ
Spurgeon, Jay
Stanicek, Pete
Starrette, Herman
Stefero, John
Stephens, Gene
Stephens, John
Stephenson, Earl
Stern, Adam
Stewart, Sammy
Stillman, Royle
Stock, Wes
Stoddard, Tim
Stone, Dean
Stone, Jeff
Stone, Steve
Surhoff, B.J.
Sutcliffe, Rick
Swaggerty, Bill
Tackett, Jeff
Tarasco, Tony
Tatis, Fernando
Taylor, Dorn
Tejada, Miguel
Telford, Anthony
Terrero, Luis
Tettleton, Mickey
Thomson, Bobby
Thurmond, Mark
Tillman, Chris
Timlin, Mike
Torres, Eider
Torrez, Mike
Towers, Josh
Traber, Jim
Trachsel, Steve
Triandos, Gus
Trombley, Mike
Turley, Bob
Turner, Justin
Turner, Shane
Uehara, Koji
Underwood, Tom
Valentine, Fred
Valenzuela, Fernando
Vineyard, Dave
Voigt, Jack
Walker, Jamie
Walker, Jerry
Walton, Jerome
Ward, Pete
Warwick, Carl
Wasdin, John
Washington, Ron
Waters, Chris
Watt, Eddie
Weaver, Earl
Welchel, Don
Westlake, Wally
Weston, Mickey
Whiteside, Eli
Whitt, Ernie
Widger, Chris
Wieters, Matt
Wigginton, Ty
Williams, Brian
Williams, Dallas
Williams, Dick
Williams, Earl
Williams, Todd
Williamson, Mark
Williamson, Scott
Woodling, Gene
Worrell, Tim
Worthington, Craig
Wright, Jaret
Yan, Esteban
Young, Walter
Zeile, Todd
Zuverink, George
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
You Really Can Find Anything on eBay
Let me start this post by saying I am not a creep, neither is my brother, I think. He brought this eBay auction to my attention as he is a Jose Rijo fan, not a porn connoisseur.
Auction Listing
I have run the gamut of emotions from thinking this is a great way to market a new business to one of the most idiotic sales I have seen.
Here are the four reasons I feel make this is a good auction listing.
1. Cost Effective Shipping and Overhead
The seller (as from this point forward will be referred to as he, because lets face it, it's a dude) probably took advantage of a free listing day or special from eBay so he had minimal cost for the auction. By offering free shipping on the card it's more enticing to prospective buyers and would bring more people to the listing. Also, with the listing being for a single card, shipping costs are low, thus increasing his profit margin on a sale.
2. No Dejected Purchasers
By offering a card of Jose Rijo, a minor star in baseball terms, if the card was never received, would it really matter? No person would actually buy this card for the card itself, would they?
3. Word of Mouth
This post will be shared, talked about and even blogged about (guilty) by anyone who happens across it. We will remember the name of his "company" and website and debate the merits of what he has done. Word of mouth can be a very good marketing tool especially in his line of work.
4. Filling a Need
Someone may actually need this card to fill a set or player collection void and instead of reading the listing, actually may have bought the card. Then he would probably get a membership, pop-up ads, viruses and calloused hands for his "mistake". "I swear honey, all I wanted was the Jose Rijo baseball card." Good luck selling that one.
Now for why I think he was stupid
1. Name Recognition
He could have chosen a different player or a higher profile card to garner more attention. Not to take anything away from Rijo and the Donruss Highlights set, but there are many more enticing cards out there. He should have given more people a reason to take a peak.
2. Quality
He should learn to focus his camera. The picture of the card is awful and you can't read any information on the front of the card. Is this what one can expect from his business venture? How many people would like to watch two blurry images wrestle and grunt? Not I. It's not a good idea to have the one example of your work be as shoddy as the Rijo picture.
3. Lack of Knowledge
He doesn't even sell the card. No description, no number, no brand. There is no way someone would mistakenly buy this card when they can't read what it is. I have never bought a baseball card/porn subscription without at least a little information about the card I am getting.
4. Mismatched Market
Really, porn and baseball cards? Do some marketing, spend some money and go for it. Don't hide behind a baseball card auction and hope someone sees it and takes a chance. There is no counter on the listing but I am sure not many people saw this one. The porn industry is huge and there are proper outlets to try and make your mark, eBay is not one of them.
Auction Listing
I have run the gamut of emotions from thinking this is a great way to market a new business to one of the most idiotic sales I have seen.
Here are the four reasons I feel make this is a good auction listing.
1. Cost Effective Shipping and Overhead
The seller (as from this point forward will be referred to as he, because lets face it, it's a dude) probably took advantage of a free listing day or special from eBay so he had minimal cost for the auction. By offering free shipping on the card it's more enticing to prospective buyers and would bring more people to the listing. Also, with the listing being for a single card, shipping costs are low, thus increasing his profit margin on a sale.
2. No Dejected Purchasers
By offering a card of Jose Rijo, a minor star in baseball terms, if the card was never received, would it really matter? No person would actually buy this card for the card itself, would they?
3. Word of Mouth
This post will be shared, talked about and even blogged about (guilty) by anyone who happens across it. We will remember the name of his "company" and website and debate the merits of what he has done. Word of mouth can be a very good marketing tool especially in his line of work.
4. Filling a Need
Someone may actually need this card to fill a set or player collection void and instead of reading the listing, actually may have bought the card. Then he would probably get a membership, pop-up ads, viruses and calloused hands for his "mistake". "I swear honey, all I wanted was the Jose Rijo baseball card." Good luck selling that one.
Now for why I think he was stupid
1. Name Recognition
He could have chosen a different player or a higher profile card to garner more attention. Not to take anything away from Rijo and the Donruss Highlights set, but there are many more enticing cards out there. He should have given more people a reason to take a peak.
2. Quality
He should learn to focus his camera. The picture of the card is awful and you can't read any information on the front of the card. Is this what one can expect from his business venture? How many people would like to watch two blurry images wrestle and grunt? Not I. It's not a good idea to have the one example of your work be as shoddy as the Rijo picture.
3. Lack of Knowledge
He doesn't even sell the card. No description, no number, no brand. There is no way someone would mistakenly buy this card when they can't read what it is. I have never bought a baseball card/porn subscription without at least a little information about the card I am getting.
4. Mismatched Market
Really, porn and baseball cards? Do some marketing, spend some money and go for it. Don't hide behind a baseball card auction and hope someone sees it and takes a chance. There is no counter on the listing but I am sure not many people saw this one. The porn industry is huge and there are proper outlets to try and make your mark, eBay is not one of them.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Come Rain. Come Snow. Come.....Wayne Krenchicki
The East Coast is getting crushed by a blizzard, with Baltimore being no exception. When I left for work at 7am there was six inches of snow on the ground and at last count 16 inches and counting. In between the snowflakes life has slowed to a crawl with many businesses closing and most people staying bundled up inside their homes.
My mailman however, made his daily rounds. When I checked the box he hadn't brought junk mail, bills, or flyers, just one lonely self-addressed stamped envelope with my name on it. My normal thoughts about the signer crossed my mind but quickly turned to: "seriously?" All that snow and my treacherous front steps for one envelope. It just didn't seem worth it, but I am thankful.
This is who he brought:
Wayne Krenchicki 1991 Orioles Crown #248
Wayne was the seventh overall pick in the 1976 draft by the Orioles and made his major league debut three years later in 1979. During his three year career with the Orioles he played every infield position but first base and mixed in a little DHing. He never hit for a high average with the big club and moved on to Cincinnati, Detroit and finally Montreal. After leaving the Orioles his average slowly climbed and he finished his career above .366.
His autograph makes a total of 166/310 (55%) living players from the Orioles Crown set. With the holidays approaching I haven't sent many requests so the successes may be a little sporadic but hopefully some trades pull through to supplement the collection.
My mailman however, made his daily rounds. When I checked the box he hadn't brought junk mail, bills, or flyers, just one lonely self-addressed stamped envelope with my name on it. My normal thoughts about the signer crossed my mind but quickly turned to: "seriously?" All that snow and my treacherous front steps for one envelope. It just didn't seem worth it, but I am thankful.
This is who he brought:
Wayne Krenchicki 1991 Orioles Crown #248
Wayne was the seventh overall pick in the 1976 draft by the Orioles and made his major league debut three years later in 1979. During his three year career with the Orioles he played every infield position but first base and mixed in a little DHing. He never hit for a high average with the big club and moved on to Cincinnati, Detroit and finally Montreal. After leaving the Orioles his average slowly climbed and he finished his career above .366.
His autograph makes a total of 166/310 (55%) living players from the Orioles Crown set. With the holidays approaching I haven't sent many requests so the successes may be a little sporadic but hopefully some trades pull through to supplement the collection.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Gimme Them
So yet another trade for some players I need. I had to give up Al Bumbry, Bob Bonner and Dan Ford doubles to receive three players that didn't have long tenures in Baltimore and I was happy to do it.
Howie Clark 2002 Fleer Tradition Update #U-52
Howie played 14 games for the Orioles in 2002 and came back for another seven in 2006. His overall numbers weren't bad, but he just couldn't find a spot on the team. He bounced between OF, DH and 1B during his two tours in town.
Steve Kline 2005 Topps Total #606
In Baltimore Kline is better known for disrespecting the city and fans then for pitching. He put up pedestrian numbers while in town and called fans here stupid and classless. He also bashed his teammates within the first week saying he was used to better players backing him up and fixing his mistakes. Oddly enough once traded to the Giants he became a fan favorite. I guess he learned to be a little more tight lipped. Can anyone read what his signature says because I am pretty sure it isn't his name? It looks nothing like Steve Kline.
Mike Moriarty 2002 Donruss The Rookies #105
Moriarty has the distinction of never making an error in his big league career. Unfortunately that was only eight games with the Orioles in 2002. After he left Baltimore he bounced around the farm systems of five other clubs. He made his way back to the Orioles organization in 2005, but never made his way back to the major league infield. I was very surprised to find a card of his as an Oriole because he wasn't around long and wasn't a highly touted prospect.
Taking on a project like this one I realize that one of the hardest parts may be to find baseball cards of every player as an Oriole, let alone to get it signed. Free agency, rule five draftees and a large minor league system have allowed for a lot more players to reach the highest level, if only for fleeting moments. This makes it much more difficult to have major cards produced for every player on every team.
When I first took on the project I had to do a lot of guesswork to try and find the cards I needed. In walks the new I have never been a big fan of the new site but being able to see card fronts in the gallery view has made things a lot easier. I can actually put together a want list for cards I need to send TTM. It has also given me the ability to tell when players have never been featured as an Oriole so I don't have to chase a ghost. I still don't feel like the site is user friendly for collectors but it is getting the job done better than before.
Howie Clark 2002 Fleer Tradition Update #U-52
Howie played 14 games for the Orioles in 2002 and came back for another seven in 2006. His overall numbers weren't bad, but he just couldn't find a spot on the team. He bounced between OF, DH and 1B during his two tours in town.
Steve Kline 2005 Topps Total #606
In Baltimore Kline is better known for disrespecting the city and fans then for pitching. He put up pedestrian numbers while in town and called fans here stupid and classless. He also bashed his teammates within the first week saying he was used to better players backing him up and fixing his mistakes. Oddly enough once traded to the Giants he became a fan favorite. I guess he learned to be a little more tight lipped. Can anyone read what his signature says because I am pretty sure it isn't his name? It looks nothing like Steve Kline.
Mike Moriarty 2002 Donruss The Rookies #105
Moriarty has the distinction of never making an error in his big league career. Unfortunately that was only eight games with the Orioles in 2002. After he left Baltimore he bounced around the farm systems of five other clubs. He made his way back to the Orioles organization in 2005, but never made his way back to the major league infield. I was very surprised to find a card of his as an Oriole because he wasn't around long and wasn't a highly touted prospect.
Taking on a project like this one I realize that one of the hardest parts may be to find baseball cards of every player as an Oriole, let alone to get it signed. Free agency, rule five draftees and a large minor league system have allowed for a lot more players to reach the highest level, if only for fleeting moments. This makes it much more difficult to have major cards produced for every player on every team.
When I first took on the project I had to do a lot of guesswork to try and find the cards I needed. In walks the new I have never been a big fan of the new site but being able to see card fronts in the gallery view has made things a lot easier. I can actually put together a want list for cards I need to send TTM. It has also given me the ability to tell when players have never been featured as an Oriole so I don't have to chase a ghost. I still don't feel like the site is user friendly for collectors but it is getting the job done better than before.
Monday, December 14, 2009
What was yours, is now mine.
The following cards came to me via trade with a collector on It was obvious from his list that he had made a few visits to Orioles games to get his autographs. I have been unable to make it to games or Fanfest in recent years so have been relying on trades to bolster my newer player autographs. I am also getting smarter by trading for players that I havent sent to TTM. A success TTM is diminished slightly when there is already a card in the collection. As far as I know, all the cards below were signed in person.
Paul Bako 2007 Topps Update & Highlights #UH-306
He wasn't around for long so I was expecting an Oriole card featuring him would be difficult. My main focus is an autograph on a card, featuring the player as an Oriole at the big league level. A little streaking on the signature but all-in all not a bad sign.
Bryan Bass 2001 Upper Deck Prospect Premiere #58
I am pretty sure this is not the BRIAN BASS that made it to the bigs, but it is my fault. Oh well, add it to the doubles list and hope someone is trying to put together the Prospect Premier set.
Rick Bauer 2005 Topps Total #606
I really like the fact that this signature is really big and flowing on a small picture. He did a good job of leaving his face clear while obstructing everything else. If I do have Kline sign the other side he will have to compete to be the focal point of the card.
Mike Bordick 1999 Upper Deck #45
These baseball players are pros at positioning their signatures. They cover up everything except their face, unless you are Fritz Connally (see bottom of post). If it weren't for the streaky sharpie this would be a favorite.
Dave Borkowski 2005 Topps Total #634
Borkowski should have taken a lesson from Bauer on the Topps Total signing. I thicker sharpie would dominate the card but he has left room for Eddy Rodriguez to steal the show. Borkowski is another player I thought I would have a hard time finding in an Oriole uniform.
Bruce Chen 2006 Topps #342
This is an overall solid signature. Good placement, okay control, not too overpowering, an awful lot like his pitching.
Deivi Cruz 2004 Donruss #361
This is my favorite autograph from the trade. It is really crisp and clear and the name is very well pronounced. There isn't much more to be said, or written.
Delino DeShields 1999 Topps #327
Man, I forgot Delino was ever an Oriole. I had to look it up but its true, almost two full seasons from 1999-2001. I guess I was still too busy plotting the death of Jeffrey Maier. I am still not over that play.
Steve Finley 1990 Topps #349
It must be hard to Steve Finley someone in person. There is no mail to open, request to disregard or stamp to waste. That must be how this card was signed. He is a notoriously tough signer, especially TTM so I had to jump on a chance to get an auto.
Jerry Hairston Jr. 1999 Bowman Chrome #299
As far as chrome sets go this one autographs very well. A little bit of baby powder goes a long way in allowing these signatures to pop. His signature looks nothing like his name but you can clearly read the chicken scratch.
Mike Hargrove 2001 Topps Chrome #256
OK, so he never played for the Orioles, but managing counts. These cards seem awful for autographs, chrome and a really dark background are not ideal for signing. Hargrove didn't do me any favors signing directly on the black jacket, couldn't he have just signed on his pants?
Jim Johnson 2006 Topps '52 #42
This is a great example of how a signature can change. The blue sharpie over the fascimile signature could not look any different. At least the J's are pronounced at the beginning of each name. Time and a high number of requests seesm to change many players autographs from when they first sign to when they are in the majors.
Radhames Liz 2008 Upper Deck #322
I am a big fan of this signature. Not much more to say.
Bob McCrory 2003 Bowman Draft Picks #BDP96
I don't know much about Bob McCrory. What I do know is a 16.46 ERA for his career makes it easy to forget his name. Hopefully things will be getting better for him.
Gabe Molina 1999 Bowman Chrome #170
Maybe I spoke too soon with the 1999 Chrome set being good for autographs. This autograph seems a little blurred. Maybe a little more baby powder would have been better, but the black jersey doesn't allow for the blue to show well.
Was the picture really that bad?
Paul Bako 2007 Topps Update & Highlights #UH-306
He wasn't around for long so I was expecting an Oriole card featuring him would be difficult. My main focus is an autograph on a card, featuring the player as an Oriole at the big league level. A little streaking on the signature but all-in all not a bad sign.
Bryan Bass 2001 Upper Deck Prospect Premiere #58
I am pretty sure this is not the BRIAN BASS that made it to the bigs, but it is my fault. Oh well, add it to the doubles list and hope someone is trying to put together the Prospect Premier set.
Rick Bauer 2005 Topps Total #606
I really like the fact that this signature is really big and flowing on a small picture. He did a good job of leaving his face clear while obstructing everything else. If I do have Kline sign the other side he will have to compete to be the focal point of the card.
Mike Bordick 1999 Upper Deck #45
These baseball players are pros at positioning their signatures. They cover up everything except their face, unless you are Fritz Connally (see bottom of post). If it weren't for the streaky sharpie this would be a favorite.
Dave Borkowski 2005 Topps Total #634
Borkowski should have taken a lesson from Bauer on the Topps Total signing. I thicker sharpie would dominate the card but he has left room for Eddy Rodriguez to steal the show. Borkowski is another player I thought I would have a hard time finding in an Oriole uniform.
Bruce Chen 2006 Topps #342
This is an overall solid signature. Good placement, okay control, not too overpowering, an awful lot like his pitching.
Deivi Cruz 2004 Donruss #361
This is my favorite autograph from the trade. It is really crisp and clear and the name is very well pronounced. There isn't much more to be said, or written.
Delino DeShields 1999 Topps #327
Man, I forgot Delino was ever an Oriole. I had to look it up but its true, almost two full seasons from 1999-2001. I guess I was still too busy plotting the death of Jeffrey Maier. I am still not over that play.
Steve Finley 1990 Topps #349
It must be hard to Steve Finley someone in person. There is no mail to open, request to disregard or stamp to waste. That must be how this card was signed. He is a notoriously tough signer, especially TTM so I had to jump on a chance to get an auto.
Jerry Hairston Jr. 1999 Bowman Chrome #299
As far as chrome sets go this one autographs very well. A little bit of baby powder goes a long way in allowing these signatures to pop. His signature looks nothing like his name but you can clearly read the chicken scratch.
Mike Hargrove 2001 Topps Chrome #256
OK, so he never played for the Orioles, but managing counts. These cards seem awful for autographs, chrome and a really dark background are not ideal for signing. Hargrove didn't do me any favors signing directly on the black jacket, couldn't he have just signed on his pants?
Jim Johnson 2006 Topps '52 #42
This is a great example of how a signature can change. The blue sharpie over the fascimile signature could not look any different. At least the J's are pronounced at the beginning of each name. Time and a high number of requests seesm to change many players autographs from when they first sign to when they are in the majors.
Radhames Liz 2008 Upper Deck #322
I am a big fan of this signature. Not much more to say.
Bob McCrory 2003 Bowman Draft Picks #BDP96
I don't know much about Bob McCrory. What I do know is a 16.46 ERA for his career makes it easy to forget his name. Hopefully things will be getting better for him.
Gabe Molina 1999 Bowman Chrome #170
Maybe I spoke too soon with the 1999 Chrome set being good for autographs. This autograph seems a little blurred. Maybe a little more baby powder would have been better, but the black jersey doesn't allow for the blue to show well.
Was the picture really that bad?
If you send it, they will sign.
I have had a few good mail days since my last post with a handful of additions to the Orioles Crown set and doubles for trade. Check out the swag below.
1991 Orioles Crown TTM Autographs
#133 Dick Drago
#126 Ed Farmer
I sent to and received from Mr. Drago and Mr. Farmer on the same day, taking less than two weeks to receive back. It seems fitting for the teammates from the 1977 season, who combined for 38 pitching appearances. Farmer accounted for just one game, making it into the box score allowing a walk, but no earned runs. I am pretty sure he is the least tenured Oriole I have an autograph of, and probably ever. Thanks for your signatures.
#179 Larry Harlow
Mr. Harlow was the first of three successes last week, returning in only 8 days. His autograph is helping to change my opinion on what I like in a signature. I used to be a traditional blue sharpie guy, but thin blue sharpie (Staedtler) is growing on me. Something about the blue autograph that I feel just crushes anything in black. The thinner signatures also lend themselves well to this portrait set so that you can still see the face, read the name and see the signature.
#199 Fred Holdsworth
This was the second success from a busy week for me. It only took ten days for this to come back to me, and although I prefer blue, I really like this signature. I like that if there were no name on the front of the card, you would still know his name. This is in stark contrast to my own signature, but nobody is trying to collect my electronic signatures from Safeway.
#226 David Johnson
Number three of three from last week, and it's from one of three David Johnson's to play for the Orioles. I already have the commentator and I am working on the coach, so it's nice to have just the player. When addressing the envelope and sending to him I was apprehensive that I had the wrong player, again, but it looks like I was correct. That is unless he just signed someone elses card.
#299 Bob Milacki
This just came today, along with a few others from the pitcher from the 80's and 90's. When I first started TTM collecting I sent to him and received a quick success, then started the Orioles Crown set, so sent again. He has been extremely gracious, never declining a request, I have sent (seven thus far). It took two and a half months, but was well worth the wait to have all five cards returned signed. He switched things up, using a blue sharpie this time, as opposed to a black one last time. It's nice to have a little contrast in the collection anyway.
Bob Milacki 1989 Topps #651
Bob Milacki 1991 Fleer #483
I know these cards are hideous but I love them so much. This was one of the first sets I ever completed and actually kept it until a few years ago. The bad part is that the cards start to bow from top to bottom over time.
Bob Milacki 1991 Score #512
Bob Milacki 1992 Topps #408
This set holds a soft spot in my heart, my first parallel insert card. And to think there were two versions just to throw you off. See what you started Topps, there is no looking back now. I also like how these cards show a progression in Milacki, growing a little bit older from 1989-1992.
Mark Williamson 1988 Topps #571
Mr. Williamson is a good signer, it just takes a little while. Don't plan on moving for almost a year if you want to get the cards back. It took at least eight months, but since he signed all three I sent, I can't complain. Unfortunately I forgot to send the Crown card of his, so it looks like I will have to do some more waiting.
Mark Williamson 1989 Score #592
His signature in a thick sharpie is a little hard to discern. The first name is rough but the last name fills out very nicely. I think his signature would look a lot better in a thin sharpie, but that's just one mans humble opinion.
Mark Williamson 1991 Fleer
Again with this set. I had to take this card and put it into the personal collection since I dont have the Crown card yet. I have placed a 1990 Score IP autograph I had traded for into the trading pile.
On top of my TTM successes last week, I received 15 autographs from a trade on I have the pictures scanned but have been a little longwinded with this post so I shall save them for a later date. Any of the Milacki or Williamson doubles are available for trade, just let me know.
1991 Orioles Crown TTM Autographs
#133 Dick Drago
#126 Ed Farmer
I sent to and received from Mr. Drago and Mr. Farmer on the same day, taking less than two weeks to receive back. It seems fitting for the teammates from the 1977 season, who combined for 38 pitching appearances. Farmer accounted for just one game, making it into the box score allowing a walk, but no earned runs. I am pretty sure he is the least tenured Oriole I have an autograph of, and probably ever. Thanks for your signatures.
#179 Larry Harlow
Mr. Harlow was the first of three successes last week, returning in only 8 days. His autograph is helping to change my opinion on what I like in a signature. I used to be a traditional blue sharpie guy, but thin blue sharpie (Staedtler) is growing on me. Something about the blue autograph that I feel just crushes anything in black. The thinner signatures also lend themselves well to this portrait set so that you can still see the face, read the name and see the signature.
#199 Fred Holdsworth
This was the second success from a busy week for me. It only took ten days for this to come back to me, and although I prefer blue, I really like this signature. I like that if there were no name on the front of the card, you would still know his name. This is in stark contrast to my own signature, but nobody is trying to collect my electronic signatures from Safeway.
#226 David Johnson
Number three of three from last week, and it's from one of three David Johnson's to play for the Orioles. I already have the commentator and I am working on the coach, so it's nice to have just the player. When addressing the envelope and sending to him I was apprehensive that I had the wrong player, again, but it looks like I was correct. That is unless he just signed someone elses card.
#299 Bob Milacki
This just came today, along with a few others from the pitcher from the 80's and 90's. When I first started TTM collecting I sent to him and received a quick success, then started the Orioles Crown set, so sent again. He has been extremely gracious, never declining a request, I have sent (seven thus far). It took two and a half months, but was well worth the wait to have all five cards returned signed. He switched things up, using a blue sharpie this time, as opposed to a black one last time. It's nice to have a little contrast in the collection anyway.
Bob Milacki 1989 Topps #651
Bob Milacki 1991 Fleer #483
I know these cards are hideous but I love them so much. This was one of the first sets I ever completed and actually kept it until a few years ago. The bad part is that the cards start to bow from top to bottom over time.
Bob Milacki 1991 Score #512
Bob Milacki 1992 Topps #408
This set holds a soft spot in my heart, my first parallel insert card. And to think there were two versions just to throw you off. See what you started Topps, there is no looking back now. I also like how these cards show a progression in Milacki, growing a little bit older from 1989-1992.
Mark Williamson 1988 Topps #571
Mr. Williamson is a good signer, it just takes a little while. Don't plan on moving for almost a year if you want to get the cards back. It took at least eight months, but since he signed all three I sent, I can't complain. Unfortunately I forgot to send the Crown card of his, so it looks like I will have to do some more waiting.
Mark Williamson 1989 Score #592
His signature in a thick sharpie is a little hard to discern. The first name is rough but the last name fills out very nicely. I think his signature would look a lot better in a thin sharpie, but that's just one mans humble opinion.
Mark Williamson 1991 Fleer
Again with this set. I had to take this card and put it into the personal collection since I dont have the Crown card yet. I have placed a 1990 Score IP autograph I had traded for into the trading pile.
On top of my TTM successes last week, I received 15 autographs from a trade on I have the pictures scanned but have been a little longwinded with this post so I shall save them for a later date. Any of the Milacki or Williamson doubles are available for trade, just let me know.
Monday, December 7, 2009
A Peek into "The Vault"
"The Vault" will be opened from time to time to take a look at my collection and reconnect with some autos from the past. I haven't been hounding the graphs for that long, so the history isn't that extensive, but hopefully it can be entertaining.
With the Veterans Committee making Whitey Herzog another Oriole in the Hall of Fame, here is a look my Oriole HOFers.
Whitey Herzog 1991 Orioles Crown #195
Class of 2010
I sent a request to the manager/player earlier this year and received a quick reply. To be honest I hadn't known he was a player before I found the set and was shocked at the speediness of his reply. I have been shocked by how big names are so easily accessible while receiving so many requests. Congratulations on being voted in, it is well deserved.
Robin Roberts 1991 Orioles Crown #384
Class of 1976
This card fit perfectly into my set, but I wasn't the one to send to him. A fellow Oriole fan and now auto collector sent to him this year and I was able to take this off his hands. We have traded a few autograph doubles from time to time, actually another one working as I write (Thanks BigSlim). I really like the inscription but was saddened to hear it cost $$$ to have him sign. I understand where he is coming from to charge but don't have the cash flow to buy all the time. More on charging for autographs TTM at a later date.
Cal Ripken Jr. 2003 Fleer Splendid Splinters Home Run Club Autograph Black #'d 215/300
Class of 2007
This came to the collection via the old-fashioned way, busted it from a pack. Here's how it went down. I was at the height of my Ripken collecting and was at the local shop to pick up some supplies. A radio interview with Cal was playing in the shop, talking about Ripken baseball and the World Series. I didn't plan on buying any cards but decided on one pack, Splendid Splinters. Ripken was on the packaging so I said what the hell. I couldn't believe I pulled a $200 plus autograph of the only player I collected in that exact situation, it was just meant to be. When I sold the collection, this card,along with my first ever Game Used Ripken escaped dismantling.
George Kell 1991 Orioles Crown #233
Class of 1983
Somehow I have lost my scan of this one. My favorite TTM auto thus far, and I couldn't believe my timing. The card showed up seven days before his passing. The auto is perfect with the inscription "HOF 83" underneath. When this card came to me it spurred my passion for the Orioles collection and has helped me grow my collection. Rest In Peace Mr. Kell.
Other Hall of Famer autographs are readily available but most are only there for buyers. I have found a great deal on an Earl Weaver and hope to add that to the collection this week. Greats like Jim Palmer, Brooks Robinson and Frank Robinson are readily available and will be here soon, but others will be a lot harder to get. Luis Aparicio, Reggie Jackson and Dick Williams are difficult to find in certified autos as Orioles, so trading or paying TTM is the only way to go. The toughest of all may be Hoyt Wilhelm who passed in 2002.
Thanks to all the players and Hall of Famers that helped to shape the Orioles into the franchise that I still love to this day.
With the Veterans Committee making Whitey Herzog another Oriole in the Hall of Fame, here is a look my Oriole HOFers.
Whitey Herzog 1991 Orioles Crown #195
Class of 2010
I sent a request to the manager/player earlier this year and received a quick reply. To be honest I hadn't known he was a player before I found the set and was shocked at the speediness of his reply. I have been shocked by how big names are so easily accessible while receiving so many requests. Congratulations on being voted in, it is well deserved.
Robin Roberts 1991 Orioles Crown #384
Class of 1976
This card fit perfectly into my set, but I wasn't the one to send to him. A fellow Oriole fan and now auto collector sent to him this year and I was able to take this off his hands. We have traded a few autograph doubles from time to time, actually another one working as I write (Thanks BigSlim). I really like the inscription but was saddened to hear it cost $$$ to have him sign. I understand where he is coming from to charge but don't have the cash flow to buy all the time. More on charging for autographs TTM at a later date.
Cal Ripken Jr. 2003 Fleer Splendid Splinters Home Run Club Autograph Black #'d 215/300
Class of 2007
This came to the collection via the old-fashioned way, busted it from a pack. Here's how it went down. I was at the height of my Ripken collecting and was at the local shop to pick up some supplies. A radio interview with Cal was playing in the shop, talking about Ripken baseball and the World Series. I didn't plan on buying any cards but decided on one pack, Splendid Splinters. Ripken was on the packaging so I said what the hell. I couldn't believe I pulled a $200 plus autograph of the only player I collected in that exact situation, it was just meant to be. When I sold the collection, this card,along with my first ever Game Used Ripken escaped dismantling.
George Kell 1991 Orioles Crown #233
Class of 1983
Somehow I have lost my scan of this one. My favorite TTM auto thus far, and I couldn't believe my timing. The card showed up seven days before his passing. The auto is perfect with the inscription "HOF 83" underneath. When this card came to me it spurred my passion for the Orioles collection and has helped me grow my collection. Rest In Peace Mr. Kell.
Other Hall of Famer autographs are readily available but most are only there for buyers. I have found a great deal on an Earl Weaver and hope to add that to the collection this week. Greats like Jim Palmer, Brooks Robinson and Frank Robinson are readily available and will be here soon, but others will be a lot harder to get. Luis Aparicio, Reggie Jackson and Dick Williams are difficult to find in certified autos as Orioles, so trading or paying TTM is the only way to go. The toughest of all may be Hoyt Wilhelm who passed in 2002.
Thanks to all the players and Hall of Famers that helped to shape the Orioles into the franchise that I still love to this day.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Thank you, Mr. Postman
This feature will document my successes with TTM autographs. When my postman makes a delivery I will share the goods.
Now to the goods:
Dan Ford 1991 Orioles Crown #139 Signed in Blue Sharpie
This card will be added to the collection and Orioles Crown set.
Dan Ford 1984 Topps Signed in Blue Sharpie
This was a base card I included with the Orioles Crown card and has already been traded for another Oriole I need, more on that when the package arrives. It took just over two months for the cards to be returned. Thanks so much.
Grant Jackson 1970's Pittsburgh Pirates Postcard
This was an extra that Mr. Jackson added on his own. Anything that is added by a player or personalized I add to my collection even if it doesn't fit into my needs.
Grant Jackson 1991 Orioles Crown #215 Signed in Blue Sharpie
Another addition to the Orioles Crown set. I have a 1971 Topps signed by Mr. Jackson, but that has been moved to the doubles category. I sent the card to Mr. Jackson on November 30th, received December 5th, only 5 days. Thank you so much, Mr. Jackson.
Current 1991 Orioles Crown Set completion percentage 160/501=31.9% 159/310 Alive Players 51.29%
Total Player Collection 296/881 = 33.59%
Every time I open the mailbox and I see my self addressed envelope staring back at me I feel like a kid waiting after a game for his team to leave the locker room and sign his cards. Who is it? How many? Are the cards signed, or was I Steve Finley'ed? (Being Steve Finley'ed is having my envelope opened, cards looked at, then sending the card back unsigned wasting my stamp. A simple "Return to Sender" would have sufficed. Maybe Finley didn't like the card I sent, I'm not sure).
But I digress, back to opening a good envelope. When I realize the cards are signed I start thinking about where the auto's fit into my collection. Some hit the Orioles set, others are player needs and even some are doubles. Collection hits are easy, document on the computer and right into the binders.
Doubles are a little longer process. Scan the cards, document in excel spreadsheets, post on trading sites and now blog about them. Anything to prolong the experience of collecting.
Just wanted to say Thank You to all the players who have already returned autographs to me, it means a lot.
Now to the goods:
Dan Ford 1991 Orioles Crown #139 Signed in Blue Sharpie
This card will be added to the collection and Orioles Crown set.
Dan Ford 1984 Topps Signed in Blue Sharpie
This was a base card I included with the Orioles Crown card and has already been traded for another Oriole I need, more on that when the package arrives. It took just over two months for the cards to be returned. Thanks so much.
Grant Jackson 1970's Pittsburgh Pirates Postcard
This was an extra that Mr. Jackson added on his own. Anything that is added by a player or personalized I add to my collection even if it doesn't fit into my needs.
Grant Jackson 1991 Orioles Crown #215 Signed in Blue Sharpie
Another addition to the Orioles Crown set. I have a 1971 Topps signed by Mr. Jackson, but that has been moved to the doubles category. I sent the card to Mr. Jackson on November 30th, received December 5th, only 5 days. Thank you so much, Mr. Jackson.
Current 1991 Orioles Crown Set completion percentage 160/501=31.9% 159/310 Alive Players 51.29%
Total Player Collection 296/881 = 33.59%
Every time I open the mailbox and I see my self addressed envelope staring back at me I feel like a kid waiting after a game for his team to leave the locker room and sign his cards. Who is it? How many? Are the cards signed, or was I Steve Finley'ed? (Being Steve Finley'ed is having my envelope opened, cards looked at, then sending the card back unsigned wasting my stamp. A simple "Return to Sender" would have sufficed. Maybe Finley didn't like the card I sent, I'm not sure).
But I digress, back to opening a good envelope. When I realize the cards are signed I start thinking about where the auto's fit into my collection. Some hit the Orioles set, others are player needs and even some are doubles. Collection hits are easy, document on the computer and right into the binders.
Doubles are a little longer process. Scan the cards, document in excel spreadsheets, post on trading sites and now blog about them. Anything to prolong the experience of collecting.
Just wanted to say Thank You to all the players who have already returned autographs to me, it means a lot.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Welcome to my world
I have been a baseball fan and baseball card collector for over 20 years and finally have decided to share my story/history with other people/collectors. The Orioles have always been my team and my collecting focus has revolved around that team from the beginning.
Cal Ripken was my first focus. In the early days I traded any card I had to add a new Ripken to my collection. I built my collection to over 2000 different with a large price tag to the collection. Eventually it became very difficult to trade for Ripken cards I needed. I was giving up high value game used and autographs for base cards of Ripken.
Then things got worse. Ripken was elected to the Hall of Fame and his card numbers skyrocketed. Before his induction I had nearly 33% of all the cards in production, afterwards, 16%. That was a tough pill to swallow. So I got even, I sold my collection. It was very painful because my collection was a big part of my life, but I felt it was right. The upside was that I was able to help buy a house and pay for moving and living expenses, thanks Cal.
I hadn't given up collecting in total, just shifted focus to second baseman Brian Roberts, right fielder Nick Markakis and former World Series MVP Rick Dempsey. These players deemed easier and less financially damaging to collect than Ripken was. I currently have more than 60% of Rick Dempsey cards in production, 33% of Brian Roberts cards and have been slacking on Markakis, only 14%. I still enjoy my player collections but wanted a larger challenge.
Right on cue, I found a 1991 Orioles Crown set featuring every Orioles player from 1954-1991. Then I thought, why not collect an autograph of every player to don the orange and black. I am also trying to collect an entirely autographed 1991 Orioles Crown set (501 cards), I guess I like a challenge.
Listed on this blog is a running list of the players I currently have an autograph from. Anyone you don't see her, I need. I belong to trading card sites and have had a good amount of luck procuring cards I need from other collectors. But the coolest way I have found is through the mail or TTM. I have been writing personal letters to former players telling them my story and asking for a signature in return. This has helped my collection go from 0-300 in just about a year.
I will be sounding off on the hobby, my collection and hopefully my numerous successes. I am always open for suggestions, comments and trade offers.
Thanks for your time.
Cal Ripken was my first focus. In the early days I traded any card I had to add a new Ripken to my collection. I built my collection to over 2000 different with a large price tag to the collection. Eventually it became very difficult to trade for Ripken cards I needed. I was giving up high value game used and autographs for base cards of Ripken.
Then things got worse. Ripken was elected to the Hall of Fame and his card numbers skyrocketed. Before his induction I had nearly 33% of all the cards in production, afterwards, 16%. That was a tough pill to swallow. So I got even, I sold my collection. It was very painful because my collection was a big part of my life, but I felt it was right. The upside was that I was able to help buy a house and pay for moving and living expenses, thanks Cal.
I hadn't given up collecting in total, just shifted focus to second baseman Brian Roberts, right fielder Nick Markakis and former World Series MVP Rick Dempsey. These players deemed easier and less financially damaging to collect than Ripken was. I currently have more than 60% of Rick Dempsey cards in production, 33% of Brian Roberts cards and have been slacking on Markakis, only 14%. I still enjoy my player collections but wanted a larger challenge.
Right on cue, I found a 1991 Orioles Crown set featuring every Orioles player from 1954-1991. Then I thought, why not collect an autograph of every player to don the orange and black. I am also trying to collect an entirely autographed 1991 Orioles Crown set (501 cards), I guess I like a challenge.
Listed on this blog is a running list of the players I currently have an autograph from. Anyone you don't see her, I need. I belong to trading card sites and have had a good amount of luck procuring cards I need from other collectors. But the coolest way I have found is through the mail or TTM. I have been writing personal letters to former players telling them my story and asking for a signature in return. This has helped my collection go from 0-300 in just about a year.
I will be sounding off on the hobby, my collection and hopefully my numerous successes. I am always open for suggestions, comments and trade offers.
Thanks for your time.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Rick Dempsey Collection
1972 Topps 778
1974 O-Pee-Chee 569
1974 Topps 569
1975 O-Pee-Chee 451
1975 Topps 451
1975 Topps Mini 451
1975 Yankees SSPC 12
1976 O-Pee-Chee 272
1976 SSPC 438
1976 Topps 272
1977 Topps 189
1978 Topps 367
1979 Hostess 73
1979 O-Pee-Chee 312
1979 Topps 593
1980 O-Pee-Chee 51
1980 Topps 91
1981 All-Star Game Program Inserts 38
1981 Donruss 113
1981 Fleer P2 (No Hand) 177B
1981 O-Pee-Chee 132
1981 Topps 615
1981 Topps Stickers 38
1982 All-Star Game Program Inserts 128
1982 Donruss 77
1982 Fleer 163
1982 Fleer Stamps 146
1982 O-Pee-Chee 262
1982 Topps 489
1983 Donruss (UER Posing as Left Handed Batter) 329
1983 Fleer 58
1983 O-Pee-Chee 138
1983 O-Pee-Chee Stickers 30
1983 Topps 138
1983 Topps Stickers 30
1984 All-Star Game Program Inserts 128
1984 Donruss 413
1984 Fleer 6
1984 Fleer (The MVP) 644
1984 Fleer Stickers 115
1984 Nestle 792 272
1984 O-Pee-Chee 272
1984 O-Pee-Chee Stickers 23
1984 O-Pee-Chee Stickers 213
1984 Orioles Postcards 10
1984 Seven-Eleven Coins E21
1984 Topps 272
1984 Topps Rub Downs 5
1984 Topps Stickers 23
1984 Topps Stickers 213
1984 Topps Tiffany 272
1985 All-Star Game Program Inserts 38
1985 Donruss 332
1985 Fleer 175
1985 O-Pee-Chee 94
1985 O-Pee-Chee Stickers 199
1985 Topps 521
1985 Topps Rub Downs 6
1985 Topps Stickers 199
1985 Topps Tiffany 521
1986 Donruss 106
1986 Fleer 272
1986 O-Pee-Chee 358
1986 O-Pee-Chee Tattoos Sheet 5 5
1986 Orioles Health 6
1986 Orioles Postcards 6
1986 Sportflix (WS MVP's) 147
1986 Topps 358
1986 Topps 726
1986 Topps Stickers 232
1986 Topps Tiffany 358
1986 Topps Tiffany 726
1987 Donruss 294
1987 Fleer 467
1987 Fleer Glossy 467
1987 Fleer Update 26
1987 Fleer Update Glossy 26
1987 Indians Gatorade 24
1987 O-Pee-Chee 28
1987 O-Pee-Chee Stickers 225
1987 Red Foley Sticker Book 92
1987 Topps 28
1987 Topps Tiffany 28
1987 Topps Traded 28T
1987 Topps Traded Tiffany 28T
1988 Dodgers Mother's 15
1988 Score 262
1988 Score Glossy 262
1988 Score Rookie/Traded 32T
1988 Score Rookie/Traded Glossy 32T
1989 Bowman 343
1989 Bowman Tiffany 343
1989 Collect the Stars Baseball Magnetables 10
1989 Dodgers Mother's 15
1989 Dodgers Police 10
1989 Donruss 432
1989 Score 556
1989 Topps 606
1989 Topps Big 108
1989 Topps Tiffany 606
1989 Upper Deck 713
1990 Dodgers Mother's 16
1990 Dodgers Police 17
1990 Dodgers Target 181
1990 Donruss 557
1990 Donruss Learning Series 15
1990 Fleer 392
1990 Fleer Canadian 392
1990 O-Pee-Chee 736
1990 Publications International Stickers 4
1990 Score 414
1990 Topps 736
1990 Topps Tiffany 736
1991 Brewers Miller Brewing 7
1991 Brewers Police Waukesha Police Version 7
1991 Leaf 484
1991 O-Pee-Chee 427
1991 Orioles Crown 102
1991 Score 816
1991 Stadium Club 533
1991 Stadium Club Pre-Production 533
1991 Topps 427
1991 Topps Desert Shield 427
1991 Topps Micro 427
1991 Topps Tiffany 427
1992 Orioles Postcards 7
1992 Yankees Wiz 42
1993 Bakersfield Dodgers Cal League Cards 28
1993 Orioles Crown Action Stand-Ups 1
1994 Albuquerque Dukes Fleer/ProCards 858
1994 Brewers Miller Brewing 115
1997 Norfolk Tides Best 1
1998 Norfolk Tides Q-Cards 32
1999 Dodgers Keebler 28
2000 Dodgers Keebler 28
2004 Greats of the Game 77
2004 Greats of the Game Battery Mates #'d 366/1977 9
2004 Greats of the Game Blue #'d 376/500 77
2004 Maryland Lottery 34
2005 Absolute Memorabilia 178
2005 Absolute Memorabilia Autograph Spectrum Gold #'d 27/50 178
2005 Donruss Champions 388
2005 Donruss Champions Impressions 388
2005 Donruss Champions Impressions Autograph T4 388
2005 Donruss Champions Impressions Blue #'d 8/100 388
2005 Donruss Champions Impressions Gold #'d 1/50 388
2005 Donruss Champions Impressions Green #'d 24/25 388
2005 Donruss Champions Impressions Orange #'d 66/75 388
2005 Donruss Champions Impressions Red #'d 16/250 388
2005 Donruss Signature Autograph Gold Master Series #'d 36/50 18
2005 Donruss Signature Autograph Platinum Master Series #'d 13/25 18
2005 Donruss Signature Autograph Silver T6 18
2005 Donruss Signature Century Proofs Gold #'d 3/25 18
2005 Donruss Signature Century Proofs Platinum #'d 10/10 18
2005 Donruss Signature Century Proofs Silver #'d 56/75 18
2005 Donruss Signature INKcredible Combos w/Palmer /100 13
2005 Donruss Signature INKcredible Trios w/Palmer/Ripken/80 13
2005 Topps All-Time Fan Favorites 106
2005 Topps All-Time Fan Favorites Auto I RD
2005 Topps All-Time Fan Favorites Best Seat in The House Relic (D. Johnson) #'d 84/125 BS-JD
2005 Topps All-Time Fan Favorites Best Seat in The House Relic (Rip/Rob/Rob/Dempsey) #'d 62/125 BS-RRRD
2005 Topps All-Time Fan Favorites Best Seat in The House Relic Rainbow (D. Johnson) #'d 13/25 BS-JD
2005 Topps All-Time Fan Favorites Refractor #'d 20/299 106
2005 Topps Retired Signature 108
2005 Topps Retired Signature Autographs 108
2005 Topps Retired Signature Autographs Refractors B #'d 19/25 108
2005 Topps Retired Signature Gold 108
2008 Tri-Star SignaCuts Cut Autograph #'d 10/17 NNO
Baseball Hero Decks Baltimore Orioles 2H
1974 O-Pee-Chee 569
1974 Topps 569
1975 O-Pee-Chee 451
1975 Topps 451
1975 Topps Mini 451
1975 Yankees SSPC 12
1976 O-Pee-Chee 272
1976 SSPC 438
1976 Topps 272
1977 Topps 189
1978 Topps 367
1979 Hostess 73
1979 O-Pee-Chee 312
1979 Topps 593
1980 O-Pee-Chee 51
1980 Topps 91
1981 All-Star Game Program Inserts 38
1981 Donruss 113
1981 Fleer P2 (No Hand) 177B
1981 O-Pee-Chee 132
1981 Topps 615
1981 Topps Stickers 38
1982 All-Star Game Program Inserts 128
1982 Donruss 77
1982 Fleer 163
1982 Fleer Stamps 146
1982 O-Pee-Chee 262
1982 Topps 489
1983 Donruss (UER Posing as Left Handed Batter) 329
1983 Fleer 58
1983 O-Pee-Chee 138
1983 O-Pee-Chee Stickers 30
1983 Topps 138
1983 Topps Stickers 30
1984 All-Star Game Program Inserts 128
1984 Donruss 413
1984 Fleer 6
1984 Fleer (The MVP) 644
1984 Fleer Stickers 115
1984 Nestle 792 272
1984 O-Pee-Chee 272
1984 O-Pee-Chee Stickers 23
1984 O-Pee-Chee Stickers 213
1984 Orioles Postcards 10
1984 Seven-Eleven Coins E21
1984 Topps 272
1984 Topps Rub Downs 5
1984 Topps Stickers 23
1984 Topps Stickers 213
1984 Topps Tiffany 272
1985 All-Star Game Program Inserts 38
1985 Donruss 332
1985 Fleer 175
1985 O-Pee-Chee 94
1985 O-Pee-Chee Stickers 199
1985 Topps 521
1985 Topps Rub Downs 6
1985 Topps Stickers 199
1985 Topps Tiffany 521
1986 Donruss 106
1986 Fleer 272
1986 O-Pee-Chee 358
1986 O-Pee-Chee Tattoos Sheet 5 5
1986 Orioles Health 6
1986 Orioles Postcards 6
1986 Sportflix (WS MVP's) 147
1986 Topps 358
1986 Topps 726
1986 Topps Stickers 232
1986 Topps Tiffany 358
1986 Topps Tiffany 726
1987 Donruss 294
1987 Fleer 467
1987 Fleer Glossy 467
1987 Fleer Update 26
1987 Fleer Update Glossy 26
1987 Indians Gatorade 24
1987 O-Pee-Chee 28
1987 O-Pee-Chee Stickers 225
1987 Red Foley Sticker Book 92
1987 Topps 28
1987 Topps Tiffany 28
1987 Topps Traded 28T
1987 Topps Traded Tiffany 28T
1988 Dodgers Mother's 15
1988 Score 262
1988 Score Glossy 262
1988 Score Rookie/Traded 32T
1988 Score Rookie/Traded Glossy 32T
1989 Bowman 343
1989 Bowman Tiffany 343
1989 Collect the Stars Baseball Magnetables 10
1989 Dodgers Mother's 15
1989 Dodgers Police 10
1989 Donruss 432
1989 Score 556
1989 Topps 606
1989 Topps Big 108
1989 Topps Tiffany 606
1989 Upper Deck 713
1990 Dodgers Mother's 16
1990 Dodgers Police 17
1990 Dodgers Target 181
1990 Donruss 557
1990 Donruss Learning Series 15
1990 Fleer 392
1990 Fleer Canadian 392
1990 O-Pee-Chee 736
1990 Publications International Stickers 4
1990 Score 414
1990 Topps 736
1990 Topps Tiffany 736
1991 Brewers Miller Brewing 7
1991 Brewers Police Waukesha Police Version 7
1991 Leaf 484
1991 O-Pee-Chee 427
1991 Orioles Crown 102
1991 Score 816
1991 Stadium Club 533
1991 Stadium Club Pre-Production 533
1991 Topps 427
1991 Topps Desert Shield 427
1991 Topps Micro 427
1991 Topps Tiffany 427
1992 Orioles Postcards 7
1992 Yankees Wiz 42
1993 Bakersfield Dodgers Cal League Cards 28
1993 Orioles Crown Action Stand-Ups 1
1994 Albuquerque Dukes Fleer/ProCards 858
1994 Brewers Miller Brewing 115
1997 Norfolk Tides Best 1
1998 Norfolk Tides Q-Cards 32
1999 Dodgers Keebler 28
2000 Dodgers Keebler 28
2004 Greats of the Game 77
2004 Greats of the Game Battery Mates #'d 366/1977 9
2004 Greats of the Game Blue #'d 376/500 77
2004 Maryland Lottery 34
2005 Absolute Memorabilia 178
2005 Absolute Memorabilia Autograph Spectrum Gold #'d 27/50 178
2005 Donruss Champions 388
2005 Donruss Champions Impressions 388
2005 Donruss Champions Impressions Autograph T4 388
2005 Donruss Champions Impressions Blue #'d 8/100 388
2005 Donruss Champions Impressions Gold #'d 1/50 388
2005 Donruss Champions Impressions Green #'d 24/25 388
2005 Donruss Champions Impressions Orange #'d 66/75 388
2005 Donruss Champions Impressions Red #'d 16/250 388
2005 Donruss Signature Autograph Gold Master Series #'d 36/50 18
2005 Donruss Signature Autograph Platinum Master Series #'d 13/25 18
2005 Donruss Signature Autograph Silver T6 18
2005 Donruss Signature Century Proofs Gold #'d 3/25 18
2005 Donruss Signature Century Proofs Platinum #'d 10/10 18
2005 Donruss Signature Century Proofs Silver #'d 56/75 18
2005 Donruss Signature INKcredible Combos w/Palmer /100 13
2005 Donruss Signature INKcredible Trios w/Palmer/Ripken/80 13
2005 Topps All-Time Fan Favorites 106
2005 Topps All-Time Fan Favorites Auto I RD
2005 Topps All-Time Fan Favorites Best Seat in The House Relic (D. Johnson) #'d 84/125 BS-JD
2005 Topps All-Time Fan Favorites Best Seat in The House Relic (Rip/Rob/Rob/Dempsey) #'d 62/125 BS-RRRD
2005 Topps All-Time Fan Favorites Best Seat in The House Relic Rainbow (D. Johnson) #'d 13/25 BS-JD
2005 Topps All-Time Fan Favorites Refractor #'d 20/299 106
2005 Topps Retired Signature 108
2005 Topps Retired Signature Autographs 108
2005 Topps Retired Signature Autographs Refractors B #'d 19/25 108
2005 Topps Retired Signature Gold 108
2008 Tri-Star SignaCuts Cut Autograph #'d 10/17 NNO
Baseball Hero Decks Baltimore Orioles 2H
Game Used For Trade By Team
Game Used Year Card Number Team
Miguel Tejada 2003 Fleer Genuine Longball Threats Jersey MT Athletics
Miguel Tejada 2003 Sweet Spot Patches MT1 Athletics
Pujols, Albert 2006 Upper Deck Ovation Apparel OA-AP Cardinals
Rolen, Scott 2006 Upper Deck Ovation Apparel OA-SR Cardinals
Pujols, Albert 2011 Topps Commemorative Patches TLMP-AP Cardinals
Kelly Shoppach 2009 SP Authentic By The Letter Autograph #'d 18/38 BTL-KS Indians
Al Leiter 2005 Diamond Kings Framed Green Dual Swatch #'d 24/25 144 Mets
Brady Anderson 2001 E-x Behind the Numbers Jersey NNO Orioles
Geronimo Gil 2003 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror Red Jersey #'d /250 21 Orioles
Miguel Tejada 2004 Bowman Sterling Jersey BS-MT2 Orioles
Larry Bigbie 2004 Leaf Certified Materials Red Jersey #'d 216/250 121 Orioles
Rafael Palmeiro 2004 Leaf Limited Lumberjacks Bat #'d 22/50 LJ-27 Orioles
Miguel Tejada 2004 Leather and Lumber Bat #'d 88/100 22 Orioles
Rafael Palmeiro 2005 National Pastime Grand Old Gamers Jersey GOG-RP Orioles
Sammy Sosa 2005 Origins Old Judge Materials Jersey OJ-SS Orioles
Brian Roberts 2006 Bowman Sterling Refractor Jersey BS-BR Orioles
Brian Roberts 2006 Flair Showcase Showcase Stitches SS-BR Orioles
Brian Roberts 2006 Topps Turkey Red Relics TRR-BR Orioles
Brian Roberts 2007 Topps Allen & Ginter Relics AGR-BR Orioles
Melvin Mora 2007 Topps Heritage Clubhouse Collection Relics Jersey CC-MM Orioles
Brian Roberts 2007 Upper Deck Elements Essential Elements Dual Jersey EE-BR Orioles
Brian Roberts 2007 Upper Deck UD Game Materials UD-BR Orioles
Miguel Tejada 2007 Upper Deck UD Game Materials UD-MT Orioles
Miguel Tejada 2008 Topps Allen & Ginter Relics Jersey AGR-MT Orioles
Daniel Cabrera 2008 Upper Deck UD Game Materials Jersey UD-DC Orioles
Jason Kendall 2002 Fleer Platinum Clubhouse Collection Jersey JK Pirates
Jason Kendall 2002 Fleer Showcase Showcase Sticks Bat JK Pirates
Alfonso Soriano 2005 Fleer Authentix Jersey Authentix JA-AS Rangers
Hank Blalock 2005 Upper Deck ESPN Sportscenter Swatches GU-HB Rangers
B.J. Upton 2005 Upper Deck ESPN Sportscenter Swatches GU-BU Rays
Richard Petty 2008 Sports Legends Memorabilia (Jeans) #'d 89/250 137
Denzel Washington 2008 Upper Deck A Piece of Hollywood "Courage Under Fire" Jacket HM5
Denzel Washington 2009 Upper Deck A Piece of Hollywood "The Hurricane" Sweater POH-WD
Miguel Tejada 2003 Fleer Genuine Longball Threats Jersey MT Athletics
Miguel Tejada 2003 Sweet Spot Patches MT1 Athletics
Pujols, Albert 2006 Upper Deck Ovation Apparel OA-AP Cardinals
Rolen, Scott 2006 Upper Deck Ovation Apparel OA-SR Cardinals
Pujols, Albert 2011 Topps Commemorative Patches TLMP-AP Cardinals
Kelly Shoppach 2009 SP Authentic By The Letter Autograph #'d 18/38 BTL-KS Indians
Al Leiter 2005 Diamond Kings Framed Green Dual Swatch #'d 24/25 144 Mets
Brady Anderson 2001 E-x Behind the Numbers Jersey NNO Orioles
Geronimo Gil 2003 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror Red Jersey #'d /250 21 Orioles
Miguel Tejada 2004 Bowman Sterling Jersey BS-MT2 Orioles
Larry Bigbie 2004 Leaf Certified Materials Red Jersey #'d 216/250 121 Orioles
Rafael Palmeiro 2004 Leaf Limited Lumberjacks Bat #'d 22/50 LJ-27 Orioles
Miguel Tejada 2004 Leather and Lumber Bat #'d 88/100 22 Orioles
Rafael Palmeiro 2005 National Pastime Grand Old Gamers Jersey GOG-RP Orioles
Sammy Sosa 2005 Origins Old Judge Materials Jersey OJ-SS Orioles
Brian Roberts 2006 Bowman Sterling Refractor Jersey BS-BR Orioles
Brian Roberts 2006 Flair Showcase Showcase Stitches SS-BR Orioles
Brian Roberts 2006 Topps Turkey Red Relics TRR-BR Orioles
Brian Roberts 2007 Topps Allen & Ginter Relics AGR-BR Orioles
Melvin Mora 2007 Topps Heritage Clubhouse Collection Relics Jersey CC-MM Orioles
Brian Roberts 2007 Upper Deck Elements Essential Elements Dual Jersey EE-BR Orioles
Brian Roberts 2007 Upper Deck UD Game Materials UD-BR Orioles
Miguel Tejada 2007 Upper Deck UD Game Materials UD-MT Orioles
Miguel Tejada 2008 Topps Allen & Ginter Relics Jersey AGR-MT Orioles
Daniel Cabrera 2008 Upper Deck UD Game Materials Jersey UD-DC Orioles
Jason Kendall 2002 Fleer Platinum Clubhouse Collection Jersey JK Pirates
Jason Kendall 2002 Fleer Showcase Showcase Sticks Bat JK Pirates
Alfonso Soriano 2005 Fleer Authentix Jersey Authentix JA-AS Rangers
Hank Blalock 2005 Upper Deck ESPN Sportscenter Swatches GU-HB Rangers
B.J. Upton 2005 Upper Deck ESPN Sportscenter Swatches GU-BU Rays
Richard Petty 2008 Sports Legends Memorabilia (Jeans) #'d 89/250 137
Denzel Washington 2008 Upper Deck A Piece of Hollywood "Courage Under Fire" Jacket HM5
Denzel Washington 2009 Upper Deck A Piece of Hollywood "The Hurricane" Sweater POH-WD
Brian Roberts Collection
2000 Frederick Keys Grandstand 25
2000 Just Debuts JD8
2001 Donruss Class of 2001 #'d 1457/1875 118
2001 Donruss Class of 2001 First Class #'d 47/50 118
2001 Donruss Rookies R70
2001 Donruss Signature #'d 308/800 236
2001 Fleer Authority PSA 8.5 #'d 1901/2001 142
2001 Fleer Authority Prominence PSA 9 #'d 13/25 142
2001 Fleer Platinum 585
2001 Leaf Limited #'d 874/1000 258
2001 Leaf Rookies and Stars 109
2001 SP Authentic #'d 1061/1500 234
2001 SPx (Young Stars) #'d 765/1500 194
2001 Topps Gold Label Class 1 #'d 244/999 111
2001 Topps Gold Label Class 1 Gold #'d 84/99 111
2001 Topps Gold Label Class 2 #'d 346/699 111
2002 Fleer 284
2002 Fleer Gold Backs 284
2002 Fleer Platinum 235
2002 Fleer Tiffany #'d 67/200 284
2002 Fleer Tradition SP 45
2002 Fleer Tradition Glossy SP #'d 102/200 45
2002 International League Prospects 26
2002 Orioles Program 29
2002 Topps Total 871
2002 Ultra 226
2002 Ultra Gold Medallion (w/Ripken) 226
2002 Upper Deck SR 3
2002 Upper Deck 584
2002 Upper Deck MVP 64
2002 Upper Deck Victory 111
2002 Upper Deck Victory Gold 111
2003 Donruss Champions 30
2003 Donruss Champions Autograph #'d 348/500 30
2003 Donruss Champions Metalized #'d 32/100 30
2003 Donruss Classics 62
2003 Donruss Classics Significant Signatures #'d 42/250 62
2003 Donruss Classics Timeless Tributes #'d 53/100 62
2003 Donruss Team Heroes 56
2003 Donruss Team Heroes Autograph 56
2003 Donruss Team Heroes Glossy 56
2003 Donruss Team Heroes Master #'d 2/15 56
2003 Donruss Team Heroes Stat Line #'d 6/29 56
2003 Topps Total 146
2003 Topps Total Silver Parallel 146
2004 Donruss Elite Extra Edition Back 2 Back Picks Dual Signatures w/Bigbie #'d 27/50 BB-6
2004 Fleer Tradition 350
2004 MLB Showdown 43
2004 Playoff Prestige 23
2004 Playoff Prestige Xtra Bases Black #'d 22/75 23
2004 Playoff Prestige Xtra Bases Green #'d 64/150 23
2004 Playoff Prestige Xtra Bases Purple #'d 59/150 23
2004 Topps 432
2004 Topps 1st Edition 432
2004 Topps Black #'d 38/53 432
2004 Topps Chrome 432
2004 Topps Chrome Gold Refractors 432
2004 Topps Chrome Refractors 432
2004 Topps Gold #'d 257/2004 432
2004 Topps Total 414
2004 Topps Total Silver Parallel 414
2004 Upper Deck Vintage 115
2004 USA Baseball 25th Anniversary 152
2004 USA Baseball 25th Anniversary Signatures Black Ink #'d 23/60 ROB
2005 Absolute Memorabilia Absolutely Ink Swatch Double #'d 9/50 AI-99
2005 Absolute Memorabilia Absolutely Ink Swatch Single #'d 16/50 AI-99
2005 Absolute Memorabilia Team Trios Spectrum w/Gibbons/Bigbie #'d 6/10 TT-18
2005 Bazooka 137
2005 Bazooka 4 on 1 Stickers 33
2005 Bazooka Gold Chunks 137
2005 Bazooka Mini 137
2005 Bowman Heritage 21
2005 Bowman Heritage 51 Topps Heritage Red Backs 30
2005 Bowman Heritage Mahogany 21
2005 Bowman Heritage Mini 21
2005 Bowman Heritage Pieces of Greatness Rainbow Relics Bat B #'d 22/51 BR
2005 Bowman Heritage Pieces of Greatness Relics Bat B BR
2005 Diamond Kings 33
2005 Diamond Kings Bronze 33
2005 Diamond Kings Challenge 33
2005 Diamond Kings Framed Black #'d 17/25 33
2005 Diamond Kings Framed Green #'d 10/50 33
2005 Diamond Kings Framed Red 33
2005 Diamond Kings Gold #'d 10/25 33
2005 Diamond Kings Hawaii #'d 4/10 33
2005 Diamond Kings Materials Gold Jsy-Jsy #'d 22/50 33
2005 Diamond Kings Press Plate Black #'d 1/1 33
2005 Diamond Kings Press Plate Cyan #'d 1/1 33
2005 Diamond Kings Press Plate Magenta #'d 1/1 33
2005 Diamond Kings Press Plate Yellow #'d 1/1 33
2005 Diamond Kings Signature Black #'d 1/1 33
2005 Diamond Kings Signature Bronze #'d 53/100 33
2005 Diamond Kings Signature Framed Blue #'d 13/50 33
2005 Diamond Kings Signature Framed Red #'d 9/100 33
2005 Donruss 105
2005 Donruss UER (Larry Bigbie) 108
2005 Donruss Classics 88
2005 Donruss Classics Significant Signatures Gold #'d 25/50 88
2005 Donruss Classics Significant Signatures Silver #'d 23/100 88
2005 Donruss Classics Timeless Tributes Gold #'d 34/50 88
2005 Donruss Classics Timeless Tributes Platinum #'d 1/1 88
2005 Donruss Classics Timeless Tributes Silver #'d /100 88
2005 Donruss Press Proofs Blue #'d 62/100 105
2005 Donruss Press Proofs Red #'d 138/200 105
2005 Donruss Stat Line Career #'d 76/232 105
2005 Donruss Team Heroes 41
2005 Donruss Team Heroes Showdown Blue Parallel 41
2005 Donruss Team Heroes Showdown Bronze Parallel #'d 44/100 41
2005 Donruss Team Heroes Showdown Gold Parallel #'d 3/10 41
2005 Donruss Team Heroes Showdown Red Parallel 41
2005 Donruss Team Heroes Showdown Silver Parallel #'d 9/50 41
2005 e-Topps 207
2005 Fleer Tradition 137
2005 Fleer Tradition Gray Backs 137
2005 Leaf Century 1
2005 Leaf Century Material Fabric Position #'d 187/250 1
2005 Leaf Century Postmarks Gold #'d 16/50 1
2005 Leaf Century Signature Postmarks Gold #'d 39/50 1
2005 Leaf Century Signature Postmarks Silver #'d 70/250 1
2005 Leaf Certified Materials 164
2005 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror Autograph White #'d 3/10 164
2005 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror Blue #'d 35/50 164
2005 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror Gold #'d 23/25 164
2005 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror Red #'d 22/100 164
2005 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror White 164
2005 Leaf Certified Materials National Convention #'d 1/1 164
2005 MLB Showdown 40
2005 Playoff Prestige 101
2005 Playoff Prestige Playoff Champions A.L. Champs 101
2005 Playoff Prestige Playoff Champions World Series 101
2005 Playoff Prestige Signature Xtra Bases Black #'d 3/10 101
2005 Playoff Prestige Xtra Bases Black #'d 18/25 101
2005 Playoff Prestige Xtra Bases Green #'d #'d 20/50 101
2005 Playoff Prestige Xtra Bases Purple #'d 5/100 101
2005 Playoff Prestige Xtra Bases Red #'d 13/150 101
2005 Prime Cuts #'d 74/449 41
2005 Prime Cuts Material Jersey (Red) #'d 24/50 41
2005 Prime Cuts Material Jersey Number #'d 36/50 41
2005 Prime Cuts Material Jersey Number Prime #'d 1/10 41
2005 Prime Cuts Material Jersey Position #'d 48/50 41
2005 Prime Patches 11
2005 Prime Patches Autograph 11
2005 Prime Patches Materials Prime #'d 1/1 11
2005 Prime Patches Next Generation Autograph NG-1
2005 Prime Patches Next Generation Autograph Jersey #'d 33/41 NG-1
2005 Prime Patches Next Generation Materials #'d 1/1 NG-1
2005 Prime Patches Next Generation Swatch Prime #'d 5/5 NG-1
2005 Prime Patches Next Generation Swatch Prime #'d 3/5 NG-1
2005 Prime Patches Next Generation Tag #'d 2/2 NG-1
2005 Studio 34
2005 Studio Diamond Cuts #175/1250 DC4
2005 Studio Diamond Cuts Die Cuts #'d 204/250 DC4
2005 Studio Diamond Cuts Die Cuts Gold 44/75 DC4
2005 Studio Diamond Cuts Jersey #'d 135/250 DC4
2005 Studio Private Signings Gold #'d 13/50 34
2005 Studio Private Signings Platinum Blue #'d 10/10 34
2005 Studio Private Signings Silver #'d 99/100 34
2005 Studio Proofs Silver #'d 95/100 34
2005 Throwback Threads 125
2005 Throwback Threads Blue Century Proof #'d 10/150 125
2005 Throwback Threads Gold Century Proof #'d 21/100 125
2005 Throwback Threads Material Jersey #'d 18/100 125
2005 Throwback Threads Material Jersey Prime #'d 35/50 125
2005 Throwback Threads Platinum Blue Century Proof #'d 4/10 125
2005 Throwback Threads Signature #'d 67/100 125
2005 Topps 178
2005 Topps 1st Edition 178
2005 Topps Chrome 178
2005 Topps Chrome Refractor 178
2005 Topps Heritage 442
2005 Topps Hot Button 129
2005 Topps Printing Plates Cyan #'d 1/1 178
2005 Topps Pristine 79
2005 Topps Pristine Uncirculated Bronze #'d 92/375 79
2005 Topps Total 417
2005 Topps Total Silver Parallel 417
2005 Topps Update 148
2005 Topps Update 183
2005 Topps Update All-Star Stitches Jersey ASR-BR
2005 Topps Update Gold #'d 862/2005 UH148
2005 Topps Update Gold #'d 1482/2005 UH183
2005 Topps Update Midsummer Covers Ball Relics #'d 50/150 BR
2005 Topps Update Printing Plate Magenta #'d 1/1 UH148
2005 Ultimate Collection #'d 283/475 16
2005 Ultimate Collection Dual Materials Autographs w/Giles #'d 9/10 UD-RG
2005 Ultimate Collection Materials Signature Jersey/Auto #'d 7/25 BR
2005 Ultimate Collection Signatures #'d 14/35 BR
2005 Ultimate Collection Silver #'d 10/50 16
2005 Ultimate Collection Sluggers Material #'d 15/20 BR
2005 Ultimate Collection Sluggers Signature Material Jersey/Auto #'d 7/20 BR
2005 Ultimate Collection Young Stars Materials Patch #'d 21/30 BR
2005 Ultimate Collection Young Stars Materials Signature Jersey/Auto #'d 5/20 BR
2005 Ultimate Collection Young Stars Signature Patch/Auto #'d 2/10 BR
2005 Ultra 86
2005 Ultra Gold Medallion 86
2005 Upper Deck 22
2005 Upper Deck First Pitch 22
2005 Upper Deck Retro 22
2005 Upper Deck Trilogy 14
2005 Upper Deck Trilogy Generations Present Lumber Gold #'d 41/75 BR
2005 Upper Deck Trilogy Generations Present Lumber Silver #'d 86/115 BR
2005 Upper Deck Trilogy Generations Present Materials Gold #'d 3/25 BR
2005 Upper Deck Trilogy Generations Present Materials Silver #'d 75/99 BR
2005 Upper Deck Trilogy Generations Present Signatures Bronze #'d 17/35 BR
2005 Upper Deck Trilogy Generations Present Signatures Gold #'d 15/15 BR
2005 Upper Deck Trilogy Generations Present Signatures Silver #'d 5/99 BR
2005 Upper Deck Update 16
2005 Zenith 186
2005 Zenith Artist's Proof Silver 186
2005 Zenith Z-Gold 186
2005 Zenith Z-Graphs #'d 175/250 ZB-20
2005 Zenith Z-Jerseygraphs #'d 14/100 ZB-20
2005 Zenith Z-Jerseygraphs Prime #'d 11/25 ZB-20
2005 Zenith Z-Jerseys ZB-20
2005 Zenith Z-Jerseys Prime Patch #'d 47/50 ZB-20
2006 Artifacts 8
2006 Artifacts Auto-Facts #'d 67/200 AF-BR
2006 Artifacts Auto-Facts Printing Plates Cyan #'d 1/1 AF-BR
2006 Artifacts Auto-Facts Printing Plates Magenta #'d 1/1 AF-BR
2006 Artifacts Auto-Facts Printing Plates Yellow #'d 1/1 AF-BR
2006 Artifacts MLB Game Used Apparel #'d 247/325 MLB-BR
2006 Artifacts MLB Game Used Apparel Printing Plates Black #'d 1/1 MLB-BR
2006 Artifacts MLB Game Used Apparel Silver Limited #'d 65/250 MLB-BR
2006 Bazooka 33
2006 Bazooka Basics Jersey BBA-BR
2006 Bazooka Blue Fortune 33
2006 Bazooka Gold Chunks 33
2006 Bazooka Rewind Relics Bat BR
2006 Bazooka Stamps 20
2006 Bowman 9
2006 Bowman Blue #'d 93/500 9
2006 Bowman Chrome 9
2006 Bowman Chrome Refractors 9
2006 Bowman Chrome Gold Refractors #'d 27/50 9
2006 Bowman Chrome X-Fractors #'d 214/250 9
2006 Bowman Gold 9
2006 Bowman Heritage 71
2006 Bowman Heritage Chrome 71
2006 Bowman Heritage Mini 71
2006 Bowman Heritage Pieces of Greatness Bat B PG-BR
2006 Bowman Printing Plate Cyan #'d 1/1 9
2006 Bowman Printing Plate Yellow #'d 1/1 9
2006 Bowman Sterling BR
2006 Bowman Sterling Black Refractor #'d 4/25 BR
2006 Bowman Sterling Black Refractor Uncirculated #'d 3/25 BR
2006 Bowman Sterling Refractor #'d 140/199 BR
2006 Exquisite Collection Signature Patch #'d 3/30 SP-BR
2006 Finest 116
2006 Finest Framed Black Printing Plate #'d 1/1 116
2006 Finest Framed Cyan Printing Plate #'d 1/1 116
2006 Finest Refractor Green #'d 45/199 116
2006 Finest X-Fractor #'d 2/250 116
2006 Finest X-Fractor Blue #'d 34/150 116
2006 Finest X-Fractor Gold #'d 6/10 116
2006 Finest X-Fractor Green #'d 3/50 116
2006 Flair Showcase 20
2006 Flair Showcase Fresh Ink Printing Plates Magenta #'d 1/1 FI-BR
2006 Flair Showcase Legacy Blue UD #'d 59/150 20
2006 Flair Showcase Signatures #'d 24/35 BR
2006 Flair Showcase Stitches SS-BR
2006 Fleer 232
2006 Fleer Tradition 116
2006 Fleer Tradition Black and White 116
2006 Fleer Tradition Goudey Greats Printing Plates #'d 1/1 GG-58
2006 Fleer Tradition Sepia 116
2006 Fleer Tradition Traditional Threads BR
2006 Konami Powerful Major League NNO
2006 Orioles Topps BAL4
2006 SP Authentic (SP) #'d 727/899 102
2006 SP Authentic Baseball Heroes SPAH-4
2006 SP Authentic Baseball Heroes SPAH-55
2006 SPx 9
2006 SPx Printing Plates Magenta #'d 1/1 9
2006 SPx Spectrum 9
2006 Sweet Spot (AU) #'d 5/275 148
2006 Sweet Spot Signature Glove #'d 3/15 148
2006 Sweet Spot Signature Red-Blue Stitch Blue Ink #'d 41/50 148
2006 Sweet Spot Update 9
2006 Sweet Spot Update Veteran Bat Barrel Signature #'d 32/35 SS-BR
2006 Sweet Spot Update Dual Signatures w/Howie Kendrick #'d 20/35 SS2-KR
2006 Sweet Spot Update Veteran Signatures Red-Blue Stitch Red Ink #'d 75/100 SS-BR
2006 Topps 15
2006 Topps UER (Larry Bigbie) 192
2006 Topps Allen & Ginter 201
2006 Topps Allen & Ginter Mini Black 201
2006 Topps Autograph Green TA-BR
2006 Topps Chrome Black Refractors #'d 3/549 6
2006 Topps Chrome Blue Refractors 6
2006 Topps Chrome Red Refractors #'d 36/90 6
2006 Topps Chrome Refractors 6
2006 Topps Chrome X-Fractor 6
2006 Topps Co-Signers 58
2006 Topps Co-Signers Changing Faces Bronze (w/Tejada) #'d 24/150 5A
2006 Topps Co-Signers Changing Faces Bronze (w/Javy) #'d /150 92B
2006 Topps Co-Signers Changing Faces Gold (w/Tejada) #'d 42/115 5A
2006 Topps Co-Signers Changing Faces Hypersilver Bronze (w/ Javy) #'d 66/75 92B
2006 Topps Co-Signers Changing Faces Hypersilver Gold (w/Mora) #'d 4/5 58C
2006 Topps Co-Signers Changing Faces Silver/Blue (w/Tejada) #'d 6/75 5A
2006 Topps Co-Signers Changing Faces Silver/Blue #'d 21/75 58A
2006 Topps Co-Signers Changing Faces Silver/Bronze (w/Javy) #'d 15/125 92B
2006 Topps Co-Signers Changing Faces Silver/Gold (w/Javy) #'d 41/50 92B
2006 Topps Co-Signers Changing Faces Silver/Red (w/Mora) #'d 15/100 58C
2006 Topps Gold #'d 1330/2006 15
2006 Topps Gold UER (Larry Bigbie) #'d 321/2006 192
2006 Topps Heritage 190
2006 Topps Heritage Chrome #'d 1303/1957 46
2006 Topps Heritage Chrome Refractor #'d 451/557 46
2006 Topps Heritage Clubhouse Collection Relics Bat CC-BR
2006 Topps Heritage Clubhouse Collection Relics Jersey CC-BR2
2006 Topps Opening Day 15
2006 Topps Opening Day Sports Illustrated For Kids Funny Photos 24
2006 Topps Triple Threads 10
2006 Topps Triple Threads Emerald #'d 89/99 10
2006 Topps Triple Threads Platinum #'d 1/1 10
2006 Topps Triple Threads Relic #'d 1/18 TTR-47
2006 Topps Triple Threads Sapphire #'d 16/25 10
2006 Topps Turkey Red 340
2006 Topps Turkey Red Framed Printing Plates Black #'d 1/1 340
2006 Topps Turkey Red Red 340
2006 Topps Turkey Red Relics Jersey E BR
2006 Topps Turkey Red Relics Black Jersey E #'d 2/50 BR
2006 Topps Turkey Red Relics Red Jersey E #'d 26/150 BR
2006 Ultimate Collection Ensemble Materials Triple Patch (w/Utley/Iguchi) #'d /10 UIR
2006 Ultimate Collection Game Patches #'d 42/50 UP-BR
2006 Ultimate Collection Game Materials Signatures #'d 29/35 UGM-BR
2006 Ultimate Collection Ultimate Numbers Materials #'d 34/35 UN-BR
2006 Ultimate Collection Printing Plates Magenta #'d 1/1 9
2006 Ultra 105
2006 Ultra Fine Fabrics BR
2006 Ultra Gold Medallion 105
2006 Upper Deck 54
2006 Upper Deck Epic Endorsements #'d 34/45 BN
2006 Upper Deck Future Stars 2
2006 Upper Deck Future Stars Green #'d 370/499 2
2006 Upper Deck Future Stars Purple #'d 1350/1799 2
2006 Upper Deck INKredible IK-BR
2006 Upper Deck INKredible UPD BR2
2006 Upper Deck Ovation 50
2006 Upper Deck Ovation Printing Plates Black #'d 1/1 50
2006 Upper Deck Player Highlights PH-25
2006 Upper Deck Special/FX 54
2006 Upper Deck Special/FX Green #'d 48/99 54
2006 Upper Deck Special/FX Purple #'d 87/150 54
2006 Upper Deck Speed to Burn SB15
2006 Upper Deck UD Game Materials UD-BR
2006 Upper Deck UD Game Patch #'d/25 UD-BR
2007 Artifacts Antiquity Artifacts #'d 129/199 AA-BR
2007 Artifacts Divisional Artifacts Limited #'d 080/130 DA-BR
2007 Artifacts MLB Aparrel #'d 138/199 MLB-BR
2007 Artifacts MLB Aparrel Limited #'d 106/130 MLB-BR
2007 Bowman 64
2007 Bowman (No Name) 64B
2007 Bowman Blue #'d 161/500 64
2007 Bowman Chrome 64
2007 Bowman Chrome Gold Refractors #'d 15/50 64
2007 Bowman Chrome Red Refractors #'d 2/5 64
2007 Bowman Chrome Refractors 64
2007 Bowman Gold 64
2007 Bowman Heritage 11
2007 Bowman Heritage Framed Printing Plates Black #'d 1/1 11
2007 Bowman Heritage Rainbow Foil 11
2007 Bowman Orange #'d 214/250 64
2007 Bowman Printing Plates Cyan #'d 1/1 64
2007 Bowman Sterling Jsy BS-BR
2007 Bowman Sterling Refractor Jsy #'d 128/199 BS-BR
2007 Exquisite Signature Materials #'d 3/50 ESM-BR
2007 Finest 44
2007 Finest Refractor 44
2007 Finest Refractor Blue #'d 13/399 44
2007 Finest Refractor Gold #'d 46/50 44
2007 Pepsi P157
2007 SP Authentic Speed AS-7
2007 SPx 2
2007 SPx Printing Plates Black B396#'d 1/1 2
2007 SPx Winning Materials 175 Blue #'d 19/175 WM-BR
2007 SPx Winning Materials 175 Green #'d 172/175 WM-BR
2007 SPx Winning Materials 199 Bronze #'d 117/199 WM-BR
2007 SPx Winning Materials 199 Gold #'d 179/199 WM-BR
2007 SPx Winning Materials 199 Silver #'d 90/199 WM-BR
2007 SPX Winning Materials Dual Bronze #'d 7/25 WM-BR
2007 SPX Winning Materials Dual Gold #'d 1/50 WM-BR
2007 SPX Winning Materials Dual Green #'d 11/15 WM-BR
2007 SPx Winning Materials Dual Silver #'d 13/50 WM-BR
2007 SPx Winning Materials Patches Bronze #'d 48/50 WM-BR
2007 SPx Winning Materials Patches Gold #'d 80/99 WM-BR
2007 SPx Winning Materials Patches Silver #'d 51/99 WM-BR
2007 SPx Winning Materials Patches Triple #'d 7/25 WM-BR
2007 SPx Winning Materials Printing Plates Yellow #'d 1/1 WM-BR
2007 SPx Winning Materials Triple Signature #'d 22/35 WM-BR
2007 SPx Winning Trios Gold #'d 8/75 (Tejada, Markakis, Roberts) WT-27
2007 Sweet Spot Memorabilia SW-BR
2007 Topps 502
2007 Topps Allen & Ginter 156
2007 Topps Allen & Ginter Mini 156
2007 Topps Allen & Ginter Relic BR
2007 Topps Chrome 216
2007 Topps Chrome Red Refractors #'d 7/99 216
2007 Topps Chrome Refractors 216
2007 Topps Chrome White Refractors #'d 35/660 216
2007 Topps Co-Signers Dual Autographs w/Markakis CS-MB
2007 Topps Co-Signers Red w/Tejada #'d 160/175 69A
2007 Topps Co-Signers Silver Bronze w/Bedard #'d 162/299 34B
2007 Topps Co-Signers Silver Red w/Tejada #'d 214/299 69A
2007 Topps Copper #'d 28/56 502
2007 Topps Heritage 102
2007 Topps Heritage Clubhouse Collection Relics Jersey (B) BR
2007 Topps Moments and Milestones Milestone Autograph BR
2007 Topps Red Backs 502
2007 Topps Turkey Red Relics Red #26/150 TRR-BR
2007 Topps Update 267
2007 Topps Update All-Star Jersey AS-BR
2007 Topps Update Copper #'d 54/56 267
2007 Topps Update Red Back 267
2007 Ultimate Collection 55
2007 Ultimate Collection Patch #' d 20/25 55
2007 Ultra 17
2007 Ultra Dual Materials #'d 122/160 DM-BR
2007 Ultra Dual Materials Gold #'d 58/75 DM-BR
2007 Ultra Feel the Game BR
2007 Ultra Feel the Game Materials BR
2007 Ultra Retail 17
2007 Upper Deck 51
2007 Upper Deck Elements Clear Cut Elements Gold Jersey Auto #'d 23/199 BR
2007 Upper Deck Elements Clear Cut Elements Silver Jersey Auto #'d 94/99 BR
2007 Upper Deck Elements Dual Memorabilia w/Tejada #'d 2/50 DE-TR
2007 Upper Deck Elements Essential Elements BR
2007 Upper Deck First Edition Leading Off LO-BR
2007 Upper Deck Future Stars 10
2007 Upper Deck Goudey 19
2007 Upper Deck Goudey Memorabilia 19
2007 Upper Deck Goudey Red Backs 19
2007 Upper Deck MVP Potential MVP4
2007 Upper Deck UD Premier Autographs #'d 20/25 147
2007 Upper Deck UD Premier Framed Printing Plates Magenta #'d 1/1 147
2007 Upper Deck Printing Plates Black #'d 1/1 572
2007 Upper Deck Spectrum 2
2007 Upper Deck Spectrum Swatches Gold #'d 13/75 SSW-RO
2007 Upper Deck Spectrum Swatches Patches #'d 41/50 SSW-RO
2007 Upper Deck Star Power BR
2007 Upper Deck UD Game Materials BR
2008 Bowman 167
2008 Bowman Chrome 159
2008 Bowman Chrome Refractors 159
2008 Bowman Gold 167
2008 Finest 104
2008 Finest Refractors 104
2008 Finest Refractors Blue #'d 33/299 104
2008 Finest Refractors Red #'d 5/25 104
2008 SP Authentic 83
2008 SP Legendary Cuts Memorable Moments #'d 1/1 44
2008 SPx 10
2008 Stadium Club 34
2008 Topps 355
2008 Topps Allen & Ginter 265
2008 Topps Chrome 89
2008 Topps Chrome X-Fractor 89
2008 Topps Gold Foil 355
2008 Topps Heritage SP 326
2008 Topps Heritage Chrome SP C166
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 1 Steal #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 2 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 3 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 4 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 5 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 6 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 7 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 8 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 9 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 10 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 11 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 12 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 13 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 14 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 15 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 16 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 17 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 18 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 19 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 20 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 21 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 22 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 23 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 24 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 25 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 26 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 27 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 29 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 30 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 31 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 32 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 33 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 34 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 35 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 36 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 37 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 38 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 39 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 40 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 41 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 42 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 44 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 45 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 46 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 47 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 48 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 49 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 50 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones Black 1 Steals #'d/25 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones Black 5 Steals #'d/25 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones Black 6 Steals #'d/25 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones Black 7 Steals #'d/25 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones Black 8 Steals #'d/25 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones Black 10 Steals #'d/25 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones Black 11 Steals #'d/25 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones Black 15 Steals #'d/25 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones Black 18 Steals #'d/25 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones Black 20 Steals #'d/25 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones Black 27 Steals #'d/25 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones Black 28 Steals #'d/25 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones Black 29 Steals #'d/25 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones Black 33 Steals #'d/25 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones Black 40 Steals #'d/25 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones Black 42 Steals #'d/25 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones Black 43 Steals #'d/25 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones Black 48 Steals #'d/25 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestone Blue 3 Steals #'d/10 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestone Blue 6 Steals #'d/10 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestone Blue 13 Steals #'d/10 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestone Blue 24 Steals #'d/10 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestone Blue 26 Steals #'d/10 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestone Blue 27 Steals #'d/10 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestone Blue 33 Steals #'d/10 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestone Blue 34 Steals #'d/10 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestone Blue 37 Steals #'d/10 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestone Blue 43 Steals #'d/10 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestone Blue 45 Steals #'d/10 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestone Blue 46 Steals #'d/10 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones Framed Printing Plates Yellow #'d 1/1 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones Red 27 Steals #'d 1/1 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones Red 28 Steals #'d 1/1 144
2008 Topps Opening Day 157
2008 Topps Opening Day Gold 157
2008 Upper Deck 312
2008 Upper Deck 424
2008 Upper Deck 768
2008 Upper Deck 782
2008 Upper Deck First Pitch 312
2008 Upper Deck Game Jersey 1999 99-BR
2008 Upper Deck Game Materials UD-BR
2008 Upper Deck Premier Autograph #'d 18/25 97
2008 Upper Deck Premier Blue #'d 2/5 97
2008 Upper Deck Premier Blue #'d 4/5 97
2008 Upper Deck Premier Pairings w/Kinsler #'d 17/25 PRP-RK
2008 Upper Deck Premier Patches #'d 1/10 PP2-BR
2008 Upper Deck Premier Swatches Gold #'d 20/25 PS-BR
2008 Upper Deck Premier Swatches Silver #'d 50/50 PS-BR
2008 Upper Deck Spectrum 8
2008 Upper Deck X 9
2008 Upper Deck X Die-Cut 9
2008 Upper Deck X Xponential X-BR
2009 Bowman 46
2009 Bowman Orange #'d 46
2009 Finest Gold Refractor #'d 19/50 29
2009 Finest Refractor 29
2009 SP Legendary Cuts 8
2009 Topps 273
2009 Topps Chrome Blue Refractors #'d 39/199 83
2009 Topps Heritage 419
2009 Topps Target 273
2009 Upper Deck A Piece of History Blue #'d 121/299 1
2009 Upper Deck Goudey 4 in 1 Ellsbury/Reyes/Crawford 4
2009 Upper Deck Spectrum 9
2000 Just Debuts JD8
2001 Donruss Class of 2001 #'d 1457/1875 118
2001 Donruss Class of 2001 First Class #'d 47/50 118
2001 Donruss Rookies R70
2001 Donruss Signature #'d 308/800 236
2001 Fleer Authority PSA 8.5 #'d 1901/2001 142
2001 Fleer Authority Prominence PSA 9 #'d 13/25 142
2001 Fleer Platinum 585
2001 Leaf Limited #'d 874/1000 258
2001 Leaf Rookies and Stars 109
2001 SP Authentic #'d 1061/1500 234
2001 SPx (Young Stars) #'d 765/1500 194
2001 Topps Gold Label Class 1 #'d 244/999 111
2001 Topps Gold Label Class 1 Gold #'d 84/99 111
2001 Topps Gold Label Class 2 #'d 346/699 111
2002 Fleer 284
2002 Fleer Gold Backs 284
2002 Fleer Platinum 235
2002 Fleer Tiffany #'d 67/200 284
2002 Fleer Tradition SP 45
2002 Fleer Tradition Glossy SP #'d 102/200 45
2002 International League Prospects 26
2002 Orioles Program 29
2002 Topps Total 871
2002 Ultra 226
2002 Ultra Gold Medallion (w/Ripken) 226
2002 Upper Deck SR 3
2002 Upper Deck 584
2002 Upper Deck MVP 64
2002 Upper Deck Victory 111
2002 Upper Deck Victory Gold 111
2003 Donruss Champions 30
2003 Donruss Champions Autograph #'d 348/500 30
2003 Donruss Champions Metalized #'d 32/100 30
2003 Donruss Classics 62
2003 Donruss Classics Significant Signatures #'d 42/250 62
2003 Donruss Classics Timeless Tributes #'d 53/100 62
2003 Donruss Team Heroes 56
2003 Donruss Team Heroes Autograph 56
2003 Donruss Team Heroes Glossy 56
2003 Donruss Team Heroes Master #'d 2/15 56
2003 Donruss Team Heroes Stat Line #'d 6/29 56
2003 Topps Total 146
2003 Topps Total Silver Parallel 146
2004 Donruss Elite Extra Edition Back 2 Back Picks Dual Signatures w/Bigbie #'d 27/50 BB-6
2004 Fleer Tradition 350
2004 MLB Showdown 43
2004 Playoff Prestige 23
2004 Playoff Prestige Xtra Bases Black #'d 22/75 23
2004 Playoff Prestige Xtra Bases Green #'d 64/150 23
2004 Playoff Prestige Xtra Bases Purple #'d 59/150 23
2004 Topps 432
2004 Topps 1st Edition 432
2004 Topps Black #'d 38/53 432
2004 Topps Chrome 432
2004 Topps Chrome Gold Refractors 432
2004 Topps Chrome Refractors 432
2004 Topps Gold #'d 257/2004 432
2004 Topps Total 414
2004 Topps Total Silver Parallel 414
2004 Upper Deck Vintage 115
2004 USA Baseball 25th Anniversary 152
2004 USA Baseball 25th Anniversary Signatures Black Ink #'d 23/60 ROB
2005 Absolute Memorabilia Absolutely Ink Swatch Double #'d 9/50 AI-99
2005 Absolute Memorabilia Absolutely Ink Swatch Single #'d 16/50 AI-99
2005 Absolute Memorabilia Team Trios Spectrum w/Gibbons/Bigbie #'d 6/10 TT-18
2005 Bazooka 137
2005 Bazooka 4 on 1 Stickers 33
2005 Bazooka Gold Chunks 137
2005 Bazooka Mini 137
2005 Bowman Heritage 21
2005 Bowman Heritage 51 Topps Heritage Red Backs 30
2005 Bowman Heritage Mahogany 21
2005 Bowman Heritage Mini 21
2005 Bowman Heritage Pieces of Greatness Rainbow Relics Bat B #'d 22/51 BR
2005 Bowman Heritage Pieces of Greatness Relics Bat B BR
2005 Diamond Kings 33
2005 Diamond Kings Bronze 33
2005 Diamond Kings Challenge 33
2005 Diamond Kings Framed Black #'d 17/25 33
2005 Diamond Kings Framed Green #'d 10/50 33
2005 Diamond Kings Framed Red 33
2005 Diamond Kings Gold #'d 10/25 33
2005 Diamond Kings Hawaii #'d 4/10 33
2005 Diamond Kings Materials Gold Jsy-Jsy #'d 22/50 33
2005 Diamond Kings Press Plate Black #'d 1/1 33
2005 Diamond Kings Press Plate Cyan #'d 1/1 33
2005 Diamond Kings Press Plate Magenta #'d 1/1 33
2005 Diamond Kings Press Plate Yellow #'d 1/1 33
2005 Diamond Kings Signature Black #'d 1/1 33
2005 Diamond Kings Signature Bronze #'d 53/100 33
2005 Diamond Kings Signature Framed Blue #'d 13/50 33
2005 Diamond Kings Signature Framed Red #'d 9/100 33
2005 Donruss 105
2005 Donruss UER (Larry Bigbie) 108
2005 Donruss Classics 88
2005 Donruss Classics Significant Signatures Gold #'d 25/50 88
2005 Donruss Classics Significant Signatures Silver #'d 23/100 88
2005 Donruss Classics Timeless Tributes Gold #'d 34/50 88
2005 Donruss Classics Timeless Tributes Platinum #'d 1/1 88
2005 Donruss Classics Timeless Tributes Silver #'d /100 88
2005 Donruss Press Proofs Blue #'d 62/100 105
2005 Donruss Press Proofs Red #'d 138/200 105
2005 Donruss Stat Line Career #'d 76/232 105
2005 Donruss Team Heroes 41
2005 Donruss Team Heroes Showdown Blue Parallel 41
2005 Donruss Team Heroes Showdown Bronze Parallel #'d 44/100 41
2005 Donruss Team Heroes Showdown Gold Parallel #'d 3/10 41
2005 Donruss Team Heroes Showdown Red Parallel 41
2005 Donruss Team Heroes Showdown Silver Parallel #'d 9/50 41
2005 e-Topps 207
2005 Fleer Tradition 137
2005 Fleer Tradition Gray Backs 137
2005 Leaf Century 1
2005 Leaf Century Material Fabric Position #'d 187/250 1
2005 Leaf Century Postmarks Gold #'d 16/50 1
2005 Leaf Century Signature Postmarks Gold #'d 39/50 1
2005 Leaf Century Signature Postmarks Silver #'d 70/250 1
2005 Leaf Certified Materials 164
2005 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror Autograph White #'d 3/10 164
2005 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror Blue #'d 35/50 164
2005 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror Gold #'d 23/25 164
2005 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror Red #'d 22/100 164
2005 Leaf Certified Materials Mirror White 164
2005 Leaf Certified Materials National Convention #'d 1/1 164
2005 MLB Showdown 40
2005 Playoff Prestige 101
2005 Playoff Prestige Playoff Champions A.L. Champs 101
2005 Playoff Prestige Playoff Champions World Series 101
2005 Playoff Prestige Signature Xtra Bases Black #'d 3/10 101
2005 Playoff Prestige Xtra Bases Black #'d 18/25 101
2005 Playoff Prestige Xtra Bases Green #'d #'d 20/50 101
2005 Playoff Prestige Xtra Bases Purple #'d 5/100 101
2005 Playoff Prestige Xtra Bases Red #'d 13/150 101
2005 Prime Cuts #'d 74/449 41
2005 Prime Cuts Material Jersey (Red) #'d 24/50 41
2005 Prime Cuts Material Jersey Number #'d 36/50 41
2005 Prime Cuts Material Jersey Number Prime #'d 1/10 41
2005 Prime Cuts Material Jersey Position #'d 48/50 41
2005 Prime Patches 11
2005 Prime Patches Autograph 11
2005 Prime Patches Materials Prime #'d 1/1 11
2005 Prime Patches Next Generation Autograph NG-1
2005 Prime Patches Next Generation Autograph Jersey #'d 33/41 NG-1
2005 Prime Patches Next Generation Materials #'d 1/1 NG-1
2005 Prime Patches Next Generation Swatch Prime #'d 5/5 NG-1
2005 Prime Patches Next Generation Swatch Prime #'d 3/5 NG-1
2005 Prime Patches Next Generation Tag #'d 2/2 NG-1
2005 Studio 34
2005 Studio Diamond Cuts #175/1250 DC4
2005 Studio Diamond Cuts Die Cuts #'d 204/250 DC4
2005 Studio Diamond Cuts Die Cuts Gold 44/75 DC4
2005 Studio Diamond Cuts Jersey #'d 135/250 DC4
2005 Studio Private Signings Gold #'d 13/50 34
2005 Studio Private Signings Platinum Blue #'d 10/10 34
2005 Studio Private Signings Silver #'d 99/100 34
2005 Studio Proofs Silver #'d 95/100 34
2005 Throwback Threads 125
2005 Throwback Threads Blue Century Proof #'d 10/150 125
2005 Throwback Threads Gold Century Proof #'d 21/100 125
2005 Throwback Threads Material Jersey #'d 18/100 125
2005 Throwback Threads Material Jersey Prime #'d 35/50 125
2005 Throwback Threads Platinum Blue Century Proof #'d 4/10 125
2005 Throwback Threads Signature #'d 67/100 125
2005 Topps 178
2005 Topps 1st Edition 178
2005 Topps Chrome 178
2005 Topps Chrome Refractor 178
2005 Topps Heritage 442
2005 Topps Hot Button 129
2005 Topps Printing Plates Cyan #'d 1/1 178
2005 Topps Pristine 79
2005 Topps Pristine Uncirculated Bronze #'d 92/375 79
2005 Topps Total 417
2005 Topps Total Silver Parallel 417
2005 Topps Update 148
2005 Topps Update 183
2005 Topps Update All-Star Stitches Jersey ASR-BR
2005 Topps Update Gold #'d 862/2005 UH148
2005 Topps Update Gold #'d 1482/2005 UH183
2005 Topps Update Midsummer Covers Ball Relics #'d 50/150 BR
2005 Topps Update Printing Plate Magenta #'d 1/1 UH148
2005 Ultimate Collection #'d 283/475 16
2005 Ultimate Collection Dual Materials Autographs w/Giles #'d 9/10 UD-RG
2005 Ultimate Collection Materials Signature Jersey/Auto #'d 7/25 BR
2005 Ultimate Collection Signatures #'d 14/35 BR
2005 Ultimate Collection Silver #'d 10/50 16
2005 Ultimate Collection Sluggers Material #'d 15/20 BR
2005 Ultimate Collection Sluggers Signature Material Jersey/Auto #'d 7/20 BR
2005 Ultimate Collection Young Stars Materials Patch #'d 21/30 BR
2005 Ultimate Collection Young Stars Materials Signature Jersey/Auto #'d 5/20 BR
2005 Ultimate Collection Young Stars Signature Patch/Auto #'d 2/10 BR
2005 Ultra 86
2005 Ultra Gold Medallion 86
2005 Upper Deck 22
2005 Upper Deck First Pitch 22
2005 Upper Deck Retro 22
2005 Upper Deck Trilogy 14
2005 Upper Deck Trilogy Generations Present Lumber Gold #'d 41/75 BR
2005 Upper Deck Trilogy Generations Present Lumber Silver #'d 86/115 BR
2005 Upper Deck Trilogy Generations Present Materials Gold #'d 3/25 BR
2005 Upper Deck Trilogy Generations Present Materials Silver #'d 75/99 BR
2005 Upper Deck Trilogy Generations Present Signatures Bronze #'d 17/35 BR
2005 Upper Deck Trilogy Generations Present Signatures Gold #'d 15/15 BR
2005 Upper Deck Trilogy Generations Present Signatures Silver #'d 5/99 BR
2005 Upper Deck Update 16
2005 Zenith 186
2005 Zenith Artist's Proof Silver 186
2005 Zenith Z-Gold 186
2005 Zenith Z-Graphs #'d 175/250 ZB-20
2005 Zenith Z-Jerseygraphs #'d 14/100 ZB-20
2005 Zenith Z-Jerseygraphs Prime #'d 11/25 ZB-20
2005 Zenith Z-Jerseys ZB-20
2005 Zenith Z-Jerseys Prime Patch #'d 47/50 ZB-20
2006 Artifacts 8
2006 Artifacts Auto-Facts #'d 67/200 AF-BR
2006 Artifacts Auto-Facts Printing Plates Cyan #'d 1/1 AF-BR
2006 Artifacts Auto-Facts Printing Plates Magenta #'d 1/1 AF-BR
2006 Artifacts Auto-Facts Printing Plates Yellow #'d 1/1 AF-BR
2006 Artifacts MLB Game Used Apparel #'d 247/325 MLB-BR
2006 Artifacts MLB Game Used Apparel Printing Plates Black #'d 1/1 MLB-BR
2006 Artifacts MLB Game Used Apparel Silver Limited #'d 65/250 MLB-BR
2006 Bazooka 33
2006 Bazooka Basics Jersey BBA-BR
2006 Bazooka Blue Fortune 33
2006 Bazooka Gold Chunks 33
2006 Bazooka Rewind Relics Bat BR
2006 Bazooka Stamps 20
2006 Bowman 9
2006 Bowman Blue #'d 93/500 9
2006 Bowman Chrome 9
2006 Bowman Chrome Refractors 9
2006 Bowman Chrome Gold Refractors #'d 27/50 9
2006 Bowman Chrome X-Fractors #'d 214/250 9
2006 Bowman Gold 9
2006 Bowman Heritage 71
2006 Bowman Heritage Chrome 71
2006 Bowman Heritage Mini 71
2006 Bowman Heritage Pieces of Greatness Bat B PG-BR
2006 Bowman Printing Plate Cyan #'d 1/1 9
2006 Bowman Printing Plate Yellow #'d 1/1 9
2006 Bowman Sterling BR
2006 Bowman Sterling Black Refractor #'d 4/25 BR
2006 Bowman Sterling Black Refractor Uncirculated #'d 3/25 BR
2006 Bowman Sterling Refractor #'d 140/199 BR
2006 Exquisite Collection Signature Patch #'d 3/30 SP-BR
2006 Finest 116
2006 Finest Framed Black Printing Plate #'d 1/1 116
2006 Finest Framed Cyan Printing Plate #'d 1/1 116
2006 Finest Refractor Green #'d 45/199 116
2006 Finest X-Fractor #'d 2/250 116
2006 Finest X-Fractor Blue #'d 34/150 116
2006 Finest X-Fractor Gold #'d 6/10 116
2006 Finest X-Fractor Green #'d 3/50 116
2006 Flair Showcase 20
2006 Flair Showcase Fresh Ink Printing Plates Magenta #'d 1/1 FI-BR
2006 Flair Showcase Legacy Blue UD #'d 59/150 20
2006 Flair Showcase Signatures #'d 24/35 BR
2006 Flair Showcase Stitches SS-BR
2006 Fleer 232
2006 Fleer Tradition 116
2006 Fleer Tradition Black and White 116
2006 Fleer Tradition Goudey Greats Printing Plates #'d 1/1 GG-58
2006 Fleer Tradition Sepia 116
2006 Fleer Tradition Traditional Threads BR
2006 Konami Powerful Major League NNO
2006 Orioles Topps BAL4
2006 SP Authentic (SP) #'d 727/899 102
2006 SP Authentic Baseball Heroes SPAH-4
2006 SP Authentic Baseball Heroes SPAH-55
2006 SPx 9
2006 SPx Printing Plates Magenta #'d 1/1 9
2006 SPx Spectrum 9
2006 Sweet Spot (AU) #'d 5/275 148
2006 Sweet Spot Signature Glove #'d 3/15 148
2006 Sweet Spot Signature Red-Blue Stitch Blue Ink #'d 41/50 148
2006 Sweet Spot Update 9
2006 Sweet Spot Update Veteran Bat Barrel Signature #'d 32/35 SS-BR
2006 Sweet Spot Update Dual Signatures w/Howie Kendrick #'d 20/35 SS2-KR
2006 Sweet Spot Update Veteran Signatures Red-Blue Stitch Red Ink #'d 75/100 SS-BR
2006 Topps 15
2006 Topps UER (Larry Bigbie) 192
2006 Topps Allen & Ginter 201
2006 Topps Allen & Ginter Mini Black 201
2006 Topps Autograph Green TA-BR
2006 Topps Chrome Black Refractors #'d 3/549 6
2006 Topps Chrome Blue Refractors 6
2006 Topps Chrome Red Refractors #'d 36/90 6
2006 Topps Chrome Refractors 6
2006 Topps Chrome X-Fractor 6
2006 Topps Co-Signers 58
2006 Topps Co-Signers Changing Faces Bronze (w/Tejada) #'d 24/150 5A
2006 Topps Co-Signers Changing Faces Bronze (w/Javy) #'d /150 92B
2006 Topps Co-Signers Changing Faces Gold (w/Tejada) #'d 42/115 5A
2006 Topps Co-Signers Changing Faces Hypersilver Bronze (w/ Javy) #'d 66/75 92B
2006 Topps Co-Signers Changing Faces Hypersilver Gold (w/Mora) #'d 4/5 58C
2006 Topps Co-Signers Changing Faces Silver/Blue (w/Tejada) #'d 6/75 5A
2006 Topps Co-Signers Changing Faces Silver/Blue #'d 21/75 58A
2006 Topps Co-Signers Changing Faces Silver/Bronze (w/Javy) #'d 15/125 92B
2006 Topps Co-Signers Changing Faces Silver/Gold (w/Javy) #'d 41/50 92B
2006 Topps Co-Signers Changing Faces Silver/Red (w/Mora) #'d 15/100 58C
2006 Topps Gold #'d 1330/2006 15
2006 Topps Gold UER (Larry Bigbie) #'d 321/2006 192
2006 Topps Heritage 190
2006 Topps Heritage Chrome #'d 1303/1957 46
2006 Topps Heritage Chrome Refractor #'d 451/557 46
2006 Topps Heritage Clubhouse Collection Relics Bat CC-BR
2006 Topps Heritage Clubhouse Collection Relics Jersey CC-BR2
2006 Topps Opening Day 15
2006 Topps Opening Day Sports Illustrated For Kids Funny Photos 24
2006 Topps Triple Threads 10
2006 Topps Triple Threads Emerald #'d 89/99 10
2006 Topps Triple Threads Platinum #'d 1/1 10
2006 Topps Triple Threads Relic #'d 1/18 TTR-47
2006 Topps Triple Threads Sapphire #'d 16/25 10
2006 Topps Turkey Red 340
2006 Topps Turkey Red Framed Printing Plates Black #'d 1/1 340
2006 Topps Turkey Red Red 340
2006 Topps Turkey Red Relics Jersey E BR
2006 Topps Turkey Red Relics Black Jersey E #'d 2/50 BR
2006 Topps Turkey Red Relics Red Jersey E #'d 26/150 BR
2006 Ultimate Collection Ensemble Materials Triple Patch (w/Utley/Iguchi) #'d /10 UIR
2006 Ultimate Collection Game Patches #'d 42/50 UP-BR
2006 Ultimate Collection Game Materials Signatures #'d 29/35 UGM-BR
2006 Ultimate Collection Ultimate Numbers Materials #'d 34/35 UN-BR
2006 Ultimate Collection Printing Plates Magenta #'d 1/1 9
2006 Ultra 105
2006 Ultra Fine Fabrics BR
2006 Ultra Gold Medallion 105
2006 Upper Deck 54
2006 Upper Deck Epic Endorsements #'d 34/45 BN
2006 Upper Deck Future Stars 2
2006 Upper Deck Future Stars Green #'d 370/499 2
2006 Upper Deck Future Stars Purple #'d 1350/1799 2
2006 Upper Deck INKredible IK-BR
2006 Upper Deck INKredible UPD BR2
2006 Upper Deck Ovation 50
2006 Upper Deck Ovation Printing Plates Black #'d 1/1 50
2006 Upper Deck Player Highlights PH-25
2006 Upper Deck Special/FX 54
2006 Upper Deck Special/FX Green #'d 48/99 54
2006 Upper Deck Special/FX Purple #'d 87/150 54
2006 Upper Deck Speed to Burn SB15
2006 Upper Deck UD Game Materials UD-BR
2006 Upper Deck UD Game Patch #'d/25 UD-BR
2007 Artifacts Antiquity Artifacts #'d 129/199 AA-BR
2007 Artifacts Divisional Artifacts Limited #'d 080/130 DA-BR
2007 Artifacts MLB Aparrel #'d 138/199 MLB-BR
2007 Artifacts MLB Aparrel Limited #'d 106/130 MLB-BR
2007 Bowman 64
2007 Bowman (No Name) 64B
2007 Bowman Blue #'d 161/500 64
2007 Bowman Chrome 64
2007 Bowman Chrome Gold Refractors #'d 15/50 64
2007 Bowman Chrome Red Refractors #'d 2/5 64
2007 Bowman Chrome Refractors 64
2007 Bowman Gold 64
2007 Bowman Heritage 11
2007 Bowman Heritage Framed Printing Plates Black #'d 1/1 11
2007 Bowman Heritage Rainbow Foil 11
2007 Bowman Orange #'d 214/250 64
2007 Bowman Printing Plates Cyan #'d 1/1 64
2007 Bowman Sterling Jsy BS-BR
2007 Bowman Sterling Refractor Jsy #'d 128/199 BS-BR
2007 Exquisite Signature Materials #'d 3/50 ESM-BR
2007 Finest 44
2007 Finest Refractor 44
2007 Finest Refractor Blue #'d 13/399 44
2007 Finest Refractor Gold #'d 46/50 44
2007 Pepsi P157
2007 SP Authentic Speed AS-7
2007 SPx 2
2007 SPx Printing Plates Black B396#'d 1/1 2
2007 SPx Winning Materials 175 Blue #'d 19/175 WM-BR
2007 SPx Winning Materials 175 Green #'d 172/175 WM-BR
2007 SPx Winning Materials 199 Bronze #'d 117/199 WM-BR
2007 SPx Winning Materials 199 Gold #'d 179/199 WM-BR
2007 SPx Winning Materials 199 Silver #'d 90/199 WM-BR
2007 SPX Winning Materials Dual Bronze #'d 7/25 WM-BR
2007 SPX Winning Materials Dual Gold #'d 1/50 WM-BR
2007 SPX Winning Materials Dual Green #'d 11/15 WM-BR
2007 SPx Winning Materials Dual Silver #'d 13/50 WM-BR
2007 SPx Winning Materials Patches Bronze #'d 48/50 WM-BR
2007 SPx Winning Materials Patches Gold #'d 80/99 WM-BR
2007 SPx Winning Materials Patches Silver #'d 51/99 WM-BR
2007 SPx Winning Materials Patches Triple #'d 7/25 WM-BR
2007 SPx Winning Materials Printing Plates Yellow #'d 1/1 WM-BR
2007 SPx Winning Materials Triple Signature #'d 22/35 WM-BR
2007 SPx Winning Trios Gold #'d 8/75 (Tejada, Markakis, Roberts) WT-27
2007 Sweet Spot Memorabilia SW-BR
2007 Topps 502
2007 Topps Allen & Ginter 156
2007 Topps Allen & Ginter Mini 156
2007 Topps Allen & Ginter Relic BR
2007 Topps Chrome 216
2007 Topps Chrome Red Refractors #'d 7/99 216
2007 Topps Chrome Refractors 216
2007 Topps Chrome White Refractors #'d 35/660 216
2007 Topps Co-Signers Dual Autographs w/Markakis CS-MB
2007 Topps Co-Signers Red w/Tejada #'d 160/175 69A
2007 Topps Co-Signers Silver Bronze w/Bedard #'d 162/299 34B
2007 Topps Co-Signers Silver Red w/Tejada #'d 214/299 69A
2007 Topps Copper #'d 28/56 502
2007 Topps Heritage 102
2007 Topps Heritage Clubhouse Collection Relics Jersey (B) BR
2007 Topps Moments and Milestones Milestone Autograph BR
2007 Topps Red Backs 502
2007 Topps Turkey Red Relics Red #26/150 TRR-BR
2007 Topps Update 267
2007 Topps Update All-Star Jersey AS-BR
2007 Topps Update Copper #'d 54/56 267
2007 Topps Update Red Back 267
2007 Ultimate Collection 55
2007 Ultimate Collection Patch #' d 20/25 55
2007 Ultra 17
2007 Ultra Dual Materials #'d 122/160 DM-BR
2007 Ultra Dual Materials Gold #'d 58/75 DM-BR
2007 Ultra Feel the Game BR
2007 Ultra Feel the Game Materials BR
2007 Ultra Retail 17
2007 Upper Deck 51
2007 Upper Deck Elements Clear Cut Elements Gold Jersey Auto #'d 23/199 BR
2007 Upper Deck Elements Clear Cut Elements Silver Jersey Auto #'d 94/99 BR
2007 Upper Deck Elements Dual Memorabilia w/Tejada #'d 2/50 DE-TR
2007 Upper Deck Elements Essential Elements BR
2007 Upper Deck First Edition Leading Off LO-BR
2007 Upper Deck Future Stars 10
2007 Upper Deck Goudey 19
2007 Upper Deck Goudey Memorabilia 19
2007 Upper Deck Goudey Red Backs 19
2007 Upper Deck MVP Potential MVP4
2007 Upper Deck UD Premier Autographs #'d 20/25 147
2007 Upper Deck UD Premier Framed Printing Plates Magenta #'d 1/1 147
2007 Upper Deck Printing Plates Black #'d 1/1 572
2007 Upper Deck Spectrum 2
2007 Upper Deck Spectrum Swatches Gold #'d 13/75 SSW-RO
2007 Upper Deck Spectrum Swatches Patches #'d 41/50 SSW-RO
2007 Upper Deck Star Power BR
2007 Upper Deck UD Game Materials BR
2008 Bowman 167
2008 Bowman Chrome 159
2008 Bowman Chrome Refractors 159
2008 Bowman Gold 167
2008 Finest 104
2008 Finest Refractors 104
2008 Finest Refractors Blue #'d 33/299 104
2008 Finest Refractors Red #'d 5/25 104
2008 SP Authentic 83
2008 SP Legendary Cuts Memorable Moments #'d 1/1 44
2008 SPx 10
2008 Stadium Club 34
2008 Topps 355
2008 Topps Allen & Ginter 265
2008 Topps Chrome 89
2008 Topps Chrome X-Fractor 89
2008 Topps Gold Foil 355
2008 Topps Heritage SP 326
2008 Topps Heritage Chrome SP C166
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 1 Steal #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 2 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 3 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 4 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 5 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 6 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 7 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 8 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 9 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 10 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 11 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 12 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 13 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 14 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 15 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 16 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 17 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 18 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 19 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 20 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 21 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 22 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 23 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 24 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 25 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 26 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 27 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 29 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 30 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 31 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 32 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 33 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 34 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 35 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 36 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 37 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 38 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 39 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 40 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 41 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 42 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 44 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 45 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 46 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 47 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 48 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 49 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones 50 Steals #'d/150 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones Black 1 Steals #'d/25 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones Black 5 Steals #'d/25 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones Black 6 Steals #'d/25 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones Black 7 Steals #'d/25 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones Black 8 Steals #'d/25 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones Black 10 Steals #'d/25 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones Black 11 Steals #'d/25 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones Black 15 Steals #'d/25 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones Black 18 Steals #'d/25 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones Black 20 Steals #'d/25 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones Black 27 Steals #'d/25 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones Black 28 Steals #'d/25 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones Black 29 Steals #'d/25 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones Black 33 Steals #'d/25 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones Black 40 Steals #'d/25 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones Black 42 Steals #'d/25 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones Black 43 Steals #'d/25 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones Black 48 Steals #'d/25 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestone Blue 3 Steals #'d/10 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestone Blue 6 Steals #'d/10 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestone Blue 13 Steals #'d/10 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestone Blue 24 Steals #'d/10 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestone Blue 26 Steals #'d/10 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestone Blue 27 Steals #'d/10 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestone Blue 33 Steals #'d/10 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestone Blue 34 Steals #'d/10 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestone Blue 37 Steals #'d/10 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestone Blue 43 Steals #'d/10 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestone Blue 45 Steals #'d/10 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestone Blue 46 Steals #'d/10 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones Framed Printing Plates Yellow #'d 1/1 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones Red 27 Steals #'d 1/1 144
2008 Topps Moments and Milestones Red 28 Steals #'d 1/1 144
2008 Topps Opening Day 157
2008 Topps Opening Day Gold 157
2008 Upper Deck 312
2008 Upper Deck 424
2008 Upper Deck 768
2008 Upper Deck 782
2008 Upper Deck First Pitch 312
2008 Upper Deck Game Jersey 1999 99-BR
2008 Upper Deck Game Materials UD-BR
2008 Upper Deck Premier Autograph #'d 18/25 97
2008 Upper Deck Premier Blue #'d 2/5 97
2008 Upper Deck Premier Blue #'d 4/5 97
2008 Upper Deck Premier Pairings w/Kinsler #'d 17/25 PRP-RK
2008 Upper Deck Premier Patches #'d 1/10 PP2-BR
2008 Upper Deck Premier Swatches Gold #'d 20/25 PS-BR
2008 Upper Deck Premier Swatches Silver #'d 50/50 PS-BR
2008 Upper Deck Spectrum 8
2008 Upper Deck X 9
2008 Upper Deck X Die-Cut 9
2008 Upper Deck X Xponential X-BR
2009 Bowman 46
2009 Bowman Orange #'d 46
2009 Finest Gold Refractor #'d 19/50 29
2009 Finest Refractor 29
2009 SP Legendary Cuts 8
2009 Topps 273
2009 Topps Chrome Blue Refractors #'d 39/199 83
2009 Topps Heritage 419
2009 Topps Target 273
2009 Upper Deck A Piece of History Blue #'d 121/299 1
2009 Upper Deck Goudey 4 in 1 Ellsbury/Reyes/Crawford 4
2009 Upper Deck Spectrum 9
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