I have been a baseball fan and baseball card collector for over 20 years and finally have decided to share my story/history with other people/collectors. The Orioles have always been my team and my collecting focus has revolved around that team from the beginning.
Cal Ripken was my first focus. In the early days I traded any card I had to add a new Ripken to my collection. I built my collection to over 2000 different with a large price tag to the collection. Eventually it became very difficult to trade for Ripken cards I needed. I was giving up high value game used and autographs for base cards of Ripken.
Then things got worse. Ripken was elected to the Hall of Fame and his card numbers skyrocketed. Before his induction I had nearly 33% of all the cards in production, afterwards, 16%. That was a tough pill to swallow. So I got even, I sold my collection. It was very painful because my collection was a big part of my life, but I felt it was right. The upside was that I was able to help buy a house and pay for moving and living expenses, thanks Cal.
I hadn't given up collecting in total, just shifted focus to second baseman Brian Roberts, right fielder Nick Markakis and former World Series MVP Rick Dempsey. These players deemed easier and less financially damaging to collect than Ripken was. I currently have more than 60% of Rick Dempsey cards in production, 33% of Brian Roberts cards and have been slacking on Markakis, only 14%. I still enjoy my player collections but wanted a larger challenge.
Right on cue, I found a 1991 Orioles Crown set featuring every Orioles player from 1954-1991. Then I thought, why not collect an autograph of every player to don the orange and black. I am also trying to collect an entirely autographed 1991 Orioles Crown set (501 cards), I guess I like a challenge.
Listed on this blog is a running list of the players I currently have an autograph from. Anyone you don't see her, I need. I belong to trading card sites and have had a good amount of luck procuring cards I need from other collectors. But the coolest way I have found is through the mail or TTM. I have been writing personal letters to former players telling them my story and asking for a signature in return. This has helped my collection go from 0-300 in just about a year.
I will be sounding off on the hobby, my collection and hopefully my numerous successes. I am always open for suggestions, comments and trade offers.
Thanks for your time.
Hitting Up eBay for a #/25!
3 hours ago
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